Chapter Twenty-Two (22) Park

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Before we got to the park, we made a pit stop for ice-cream. We walked out of the ice-cream shop, satisfied with what we just bought and started heading to the park. When we got there, the boys were already there. "Aw, yum! Ice-cream! Where's mine?" asked Jai.

"Right here!" I said, I pushed the ice-cream onto his lips, giggling.

"Oi!" he said, kissing me all over my face, leaving sticky ice-cream marks. "Oh, hey Trent! It's great to finally meet you in person!" I said giving him a small, greeting hug.

"You too!" replied Trent.

"So, this is Ricky and Tamara, Brooke's friends. Oh and here comes Darryl! That's Ricky's boyfriend." said Jai.

"Hello, everyone." Trent said, smiling and waving at us all.

"So, what are we gonna do here?" I asked everyone.

"How about piggy-back races?" Jai, replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, but I got Brookie!" yelled Trent, running over to me and plopping me onto his back.

"Well, I'll have Ricky!" Jai said, walking over to Ricky.

"That means I'm with Darryl!" Tamara smiled.

"Alright, guys. The course starts at the end of the footpath all the way to the start of the bark on the ground. I'll say when to go." instructed Trent. "On your marks... get set... GO!"

We were all off in a flash the boys were carrying the girls. In the lead was Jai and Ricky followed by Trent and I, and last were Darryl and Tamara.

"Oh, hurry up Darryl!" yelled Tamara. "I'm trying!"

Before we knew it, Tamara was now carrying Darryl. What?

"Uh, isn't Darryl meant to be carrying you, Tamara?" I yelled behind me at Tamara.

"Not anymore!" she yelled back.

All of a sudden, Tamara came racing past Trent and I.

"Wow, someone's a fast runner! Even with Darryl on their back!" I yelled, but this time, I was yelling in front of me. Not long after, she had overtaken Jai and Ricky.

"Where did you come from, Lightning Bolt?" yelled Jai.

"All the way from the back!" replied Darryl. We were finally coming to the end of the course, with Tamara and Darryl still coming 1st.

"WE WON!" yelled Tamara and Darryl in sync.

"Well, we came second!"

"And, we came last.." I said, hopping off Trent's back.

"How about a re-match?" Trent asked.

"Fine, but I have my girl this time." said Darryl.

"Yeah, and I have mine." said Jai, folding his arms around my waist. "Well, Tamara... Um, you wanna-" but, before he could finish, Tamara interrupted him.

"And, I'll be going with Trent." she said, smiling and blushing a deep rose like colour in her cheeks.

"Okay, but we will start at the bark and finish at the path." said Jai.

"Ok, Ready, Set... GO!"

We were all off! Racing for the win! Tamara and Trent were first, Jai and I were second, and Ricky and Darryl were third. I honestly think it's Darryl who lets down the team. Sorry mate. We were halfway to the finish line, coming first, when Jai tripped over a rock. He fell over with me landing on top of him. I didn't bother getting up off of him. I just kissed him and he kissed me back.

"Come on, you two lover-birds!" yelled the two other teams as they passed by. Jai and I got up. We linked hands and bolted for the finish line. We over took Darryl and Ricky, Tamara and Trent, and made it to the finish line coming first.

"Oi, you two cheated! You were holding hands and running!" shouted Trent.

"Ha, oh well." Jai replied, smiling and then kissing me on the forehead.

For the rest of the afternoon, we all just talked and Trent had bought some snacks for everyone to eat. "Well, we all should probably get going." suggested Trent.

"Hang on one sec." I quickly called my mum.

"Hey Mum... Please?... Yep... Uha... Alright, see ya soon. Bye!" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"My mum said all you guys can stay at my place tonight!" I yelled of excitement.

"Really!" yelled Trent.


"Awesome!" said Jai.

"You boys go home and get some clothes and what not, and the girls can just borrow my clothes. Oh, and pack your togs as well, just in case!" "Okay, see you soon, baby!" said Jai, kissing me on the lips.

"Bye!" I yelled as they all started walking there separate ways. Jai and Trent walked left to go to Jai's house and Ricky went to Darryl's house with him, which was ahead, over the bridge. Tamara and I walked back to my house, that was the furthest to walk. Unfortunately.

It is definitely going to be a fun and interesting night having 3 boys at one time at my house. Oh boy...

The New Boy~ Jai WaetfordМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя