Chapter Eighteen (18) Morning

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I woke up to Jai staring at me.

"Babe, why are you staring at me?"

Then he started singing..

"I had a dream the other night, 'bout how we only get one life. Woke me up right after two, stayed awake and stated at you- so I wouldn't loose my mind. And if we only die once, I wanna die with you got something I need, yeah in this world full of people there's one killing me and if we only die once, I wanna die with you!"

"Awe, that's just a bit cute!" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"So.. What's for breakfast?" I said getting excited. I seriously live for food!

"You can have whatever you want baby." He said smiling.

"Okay.. You choose anyway. I'm not fussy, I'll eat anything!"

"Alright, well we will just look through the pantry and you can pick out what you want to eat." He said starting to walk out of his room to the kitchen. We had a look in the pantry and we both decided on having some cereal. We got our cereal and sat on the couch to watch some tv. In the mornings at 8:00, they play repeats of the x-factor. So Jai and I watched him and everyone else sing.

"That song was for you, ya know!" "Really?"

"Yeah! of course! It was about no matter what happens, I will always be there to fix you."

"Aww, that's literally so sweet Jai!" I said giving him a huge bear hug.

"Are we still gonna go to the beach or local pool today?"

"Yeah, for sure! I'll ask mum where we are gonna go. Would you rather go to the beach or pool?"

"Um, how about both? I know this place at Redcliffe and they have a beach right next to the local pool!" "Sounds good! I'll just check with mum." Jai walked out of the lounge room into his mum's room and asked her about today. I sat in the lounge room and kept watching x-factor.

Before I knew it, my cereal which consists of milk and cornflakes was now all over me. How you ask? Oh well Jai decided to jump out at me and yell. "RAAAAAAH!"

"Jai! Look what you made me do!" I said looking at all of the food that was now all over me.

"Wow, what happened here?" Asked Jai's mum.

"Well, Jai being Jai decides to scare me when I was eating and watching tv."

"Ugh, Jai!" Said Alana,

"Well we are leaving to go to the beach AND the local pool, so you guys can get ready. Jai and I walked into his room to get ready. Right before my eyes, Jai had taken his shirt off and now his pants. Jai was now completely naked. He was facing away from me so I only saw his perky little bum. Haha. He walked over to his closet and put on some shorts and a checkered button up shirt. He then headed to the bathroom to fix up his hair and brush his teeth. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to quickly get changed. I put on some fluorescent- pink bathers that were strapless and to wear to the beach, just some distressed denim short- shorts that weren't too short, and a black flowy singlet. I put my hair in a top knot and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother putting any makeup on because it would all wash off in the water anyways. Jai and I went into the kitchen to pack some snacks.

"So what do you wanna pack?"

"Um, how about some chips, water, crackers, chocolate bars and fruit?" "Sounds good to me!"

Jai packed all the food and we were now ready to go!

The New Boy~ Jai WaetfordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora