Chapter Ten (10) A Day With Jai

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I woke up to a pillow being thrown at me.
"Wake up, sleepy-head! It's 9:30! Get up, go go go."
"Yeah, yeah.. I'm getting there, I'm getting there." I said, as I rubbed my eyes and slowly collected myself onto my feet. I got up and went into my bathroom to wash my face.
"So, what's for breakast?" Ricky asked cheekily.
"Hmm, how about pancakes?" I said, getting Ricky excited.
"Mmmm. YES PLEASE!" Ricky said racing downstairs into the kitchen. Mum made us some pancakes that we put toppings on. I had ice-cream and maple syrup, while Ricky had whipped cream and cut up strawberries. As I was finishing my breakfast, my phone went off and it was a text from Jai.

JAI: Can you tell me if you will be my girlfriend, now? :(
BROOKE: Well, I thought about it and, will you be mine? <3
JAI: umm, well.. I kinda changed my mind.. </3
BROOKE: You WHAT?! -.-
JAI: Nah, only messing with ya. I will, beautiful Brookie. xxxx
BROOKE: When Ricky goes home, come over! xo
JAI: Alright, see ya soon bby :*

"Was that Jai?" Ricky said smirking. "Yeah, haha."
"What did he say?"
"Oh, well I basically said that I will date him." I said smiling and blushing. I accidentally said that when Mum was there.
"What did you say?" asked Mum.
"I... uh, I said that he could come over later. Is that okay?" Phew, I don't want to tell her we're dating yet, I'll tell her when I'm ready.
"Well, my mum is coming to pick me up to take me to Adam's football game." said Ricky, sighing.
"But, aye.. you will get to see Darryl!" I said nudging and winking at her. Adam is Ricky's brother and Darryl is Ricky's boyfriend and also Adams bestfriend.
"Alright, well we better pack your stuff." I said to Ricky. We walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. We started packing when I got text from Jai.
JAI: Miss you already baby..xx :(
BROOKE: Ricky is leaving, so you can come over in about 20.

So, Ricky went to watch her boyfriend and brother play football and in the mean time, Jai's mum dropped him off at my place.
"So, are we a couple now?" asked Jai.
"You tell me."
"We sure are." Jai said leaning in and kissing me. I love it when he kisses me. His lips are so soft and he's just perfect.
"Yes Jai-Jai?"
"I'm hungry." he said pouting.
"Have a look in the fridge and cupboard. See if there's anything that satisfies you." I said lightly punching him in the arm.
"Oh, come on. That did not hurt! Do you want me to kiss it better?" I said pouting.
"Um, ya know what? My lips are hurting. Can you maybe kiss them better?" Jai said smirking and pointing to his lips.
"Sorry, mate. No can do." I said, still kissing him though. We spent the whole day together. It was great! We watched the notebook. It is the most romantic movie ever made! Halfway through Jai and I started making out. It was nice though. He's so peaceful and great to be around.
"I'll be back Jai-Jai." I walked downstairs. I had something to ask Mum.
"Hey Mum, I just wanted to say that me and Jai are a couple now." I said blushing, "And since Dad's not home this weekend, may he please stay? We will sleep on separate beds, I promise."
"Hmm, call Jai's Mum and ask her first."
"Alright." I got the home phone and called Alana.
"Hi, Alana. I was just wondering if Jai can maybe stay the night?"
"Yeah of course, love. That's fine!" "Thank you so much!" I hung up and told Mum that Alana approved. "Alright, well he can stay then." said Mum.
"Thanks Mum, you're the best!" I ran upstairs into my room to find Jai asleep already. I set up a mattress next to my bed and somehow managed to, half carry/half drag Jai onto the mattress. I put the blanket onto him and gave him a quick goodnight kiss on the cheek. I said goodnight to Mum and went to bed.

The New Boy~ Jai Waetfordحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن