Original | Chapter Two

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"You little bitch!" She screams. "Open the door," She commands, pounding on the door and turning the knob. 

I roll my eyes. Not wanting to face Willow's wrath, I take my time applying my makeup, flushing the tissues down the toilet, and washing off my blade. I make sure the band-aids are holding up, which they are, before glancing at the time on my MP3. It's fifteen minutes after noon. I mentally curse myself for being late to see who's being adopted and who isn't. Although I know I'm never going to be adopted, I at least like to know if any of my bullies are leaving. I hope so. I slowly unlock the door and poke my head through the crack. Willow is no where to be found. At least she's smart enough to go to the adoption thing. I straighten my dress and speed walk to the front of the facility.

I quickly get in line as one of the workers continues to call out the names of the lucky kids who are being adopted.

"Kylee Maxwell."

That is -or was- my other roommate. I'm kind of sad to see her go because, although we never talked, she never bullied me. I watch as she, in a daze, joins her new parents. They don't call out Willow's name. I mentally prepare myself for her wrath after this. The list is almost finished. With each name, I can feel my self-esteem and confidence plummet as my disappointment and shame grow. When the last name is called, a lone tear trails down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away before anybody can notice. All I want is to be adopted. Is that too much to ask? I trudge back to my room, feeling worthless and pathetic. I open the door to find Demi Lovato sitting on my bed. I'm too stunned to even gasp.

"Nice place," She observes, looking around the room.

"Yeah, right," I snort, trying to mask my shock with a casual tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you remember why I was here yesterday?"

"Something like that," I reply, recalling her vague words.

Her cheeks flush the slightest shade of red, which only confuses me.

"Before that," She mumbles.

"To adopt a kid."

"Exactly. I came here yesterday to adopt a kid, so today, I'm bringing her to her new home."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. They didn't call Willow's name. Maybe they're trying to keep Demi's adoption under the radar because she's a celebrity.

"You're adopting Willow?" I question, nodding my head at the empty bed.

She rolls her eyes, as if the answer is obvious.

"No, Anabelle. I don't even know who this Willow person is."

I'm about to say something when a rough shove from behind causes me to stumble forward.

"Oops," Willow smirks. "Maybe your fat ass shouldn't be standing in the doorway like an imbecile."

I turn my head away from her as my eyes become moist, and I urge myself to not cry.

"Excuse me?" Demi rises to her feet.

Willow stares at her with wide eyes. 

"How dare you say that to my daughter?" 

Wait, what did she just call me?

"I-I-I," Willow's too shocked to even think about forming a coherent sentence.

"Your daughter?" I quietly question.

"Well, yeah, I was going to tell you that I adopted you before she so rudely interrupted us," Demi explains, turning her attention back onto Willow. 

Chances That You're Burning ThroughTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon