Chapter 11: The effect of Orochimaru's curse mark.

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Carson's P.O.V

"What do you want Orochimaru?" I asked and Orochimaru laughed. "I want you and Sasuke, Carson." Orochimaru said and I got angry and gagged. "I knew you were in the exams and I know who's working with you! I'm going to fight him in the preliminary round and he doesn't have a choice! I also knew Sasuke was gay but I did not know he went for pedophiles!" I yelled and took off Zabuza's sword and infused a little bit of my chakra into the sword.

***A few minutes later***

I was busy fighting Orochimaru's snake when all of the sudden I was pushed out if the way. I regained my balance and did a back flip when I saw Sasuke standing in my previous spot and Orochimaru had bit Sasuke's neck. You could hear Sasuke scream. "Dude you just proved my point! You really are a pedophile!" I yelled and took off my other sword necklace. "Well at least I got one of the people I came to give a gift too." Orochimaru said and his neck stretched out again.

I was about to stab Orochimaru as he came at me when Naruto came and you could see Kurama's chakra starting to take over. Orochimaru stopped and looked at Naruto and was about to go after Naruto. "This fight is between you and me Orochimaru. Leave Naruto out of this." I said and all of the sudden I was grabbed from behind and when I looked, one of Orochimaru's clones held me while Orochimaru bit my neck.

The pain was so bad that I began screaming. It hurt even more since Ari was trying to keep the curse mark from forming but it was no use. I saw Kurama's chakra disappear and Naruto's blue eyes was starring at me. As I collapsed to the ground I could hear Naruto and Sakura calling out to me. I saw Orochimaru disappeared and I tried to stand up but it was no use. I knew Ari was in pain so I went to check on her and everything went black.

Sakura's P.O.V

I ran to Carson's side and put her head on my lap as she was resting. "Naruto please check on Sasuke for me." I asked and Naruto nodded his head. I saw a tree that was hollow and stood up as Carson was leaning against me. "Naruto lets take them to that tree until they wake up." I said and Naruto and I took Carson and Sasuke into the tree and laid them down. I got two cloths and dipped them into water and put it on their heads.

"I don't know how long they will be out but when they wake up we'll go to the tower." I said and walked out so that they would be able to rest. "I get us something to eat. I'll be right back." Naruto said and went to get food. After a few minutes I heard the bushes move and then three sound ninjas came out. I tried to keep them away from Sasuke and Carson but the girl grabbed my hair. I knew then that I was just dead wight. I grabbed my kunai and cut my hair short.

All of the sudden I felt a strong sense of chakra. I turned my head and saw Sasuke and Carson at by tree but there was an evil energy around Sasuke. Sasuke broke one of the guys arms and was going for the girl when Carson walked up to him. "Sakura needs how to fight her own battles." Carson said and put her hand on his shoulder and Sasuke calmed down. "Now Sakura. Here's the thing either you take care of this or die trying." Carson said and I looked in her eyes and gasped.

"Carson what happened to you eyes." I asked and everyone looked at me. "What do you mean?" The girl behind me asked. "Look at her eyes." I said and the girl looked in her eyes. "And what's wrong with her eyes." The girl asked. "Her eyes has a red ring and the rest is black along with the pupil. Carson's eyes are emerald green just like mine. That's not Carson. Unless..." I said and my eyes widen. "What is it?" The girl asked me.

Sasuke's P.O.V

"You guys need to get away from here. Orochimaru's curse mark took place. Carson isn't in control of her body." Sakura said and Carson laughed. "Wrong. I'm in control. In fact I just got stronger then the curse mark. You see I am more powerful then even Orochimaru knew. You see I'm the host of the 12 tails arctic vixen. Her name is Ariana and we get along fine. I also posses the rinnegan, byakugan and sharingan for some reason. Ari told me it was because she was really strong and that all of her previous hosts was either from the Huyga, Uchiha or a family that possess the rinnegan and that they gave her their eyes. Since we get along so well Ari chose to be inside of me for eternity thus making me immortal." Carson said and everyone backed away.

"Let's see the new me once I have activated the curse mark." Carson said and closed her eyes. Suddenly the wind began blowing wild and the sky turned dark and leaves suddenly surrounded Carson. When the wind died down and the leaves fell to the ground and everyone gasped including me. Carson was wearing a raven black skin tight suit with a corset. The raven black leather coat with the inside blood red. She also wore knee high raven black 5 inch high heels with the underside blood red and an blood red zip.

Carson wore a raven black tiara and a raven black ring with three blood red diamonds. Her eyes were blank with a red ring and a black pupil. Carson's ankle length raven black hair was loose and she looked like goddess. If I wasn't so shocked I would've drooled at the sight of her in this outfit. I looked around and all the guys were drooling over how she looked. There was Lee, Neji, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Chouji, myself and the two guys from the sound village. The girl that had Sakura began backing away but Carson was behind her already.

"Where are you going? I'm not done with you yet. You'll kill Sakura or I'll kill you." Carson said in a deadly calm voice. "Carson what's going on with you? That's not you." Naruto said as he came back from wherever he was. "I'm just taking care of a little problem." Carson said and turned to Naruto. "Carson I know you're in there come on wake up." Naruto said and Carson's eyes turned emerald green again. Her new fighting outfit disappeared also when her eye turned back to their original colour.

After that whole experience we finally made it to the tower in one piece. Carson went to her room and we went to ours and opened the scrolls and Iruka-sensei appeared. "You did it. You guys made it to the preliminary round. Don't worry Kakashi is talking to Carson right now telling her she made it. Get some rest you'll need it." Iruka-sensei said and we nodded.

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