
Depuis le début

Draco hadn't actually left yet, or given Harry the letter. In fact Harry was sat at their shared desk, writing to Hermione when he found Draco's letter. She had been the only one to continue writing to him, she hadn't accepted Draco fully, but she wasn't telling him who he should be with, or giving him ultimatums. He had ran out of ink and pulled out the top draw to get some more, when he found Draco's letter.

Draco was stunned into silence, this wasn't happening. That letter was never meant to be read, or given to Harry.

"I..I.." Draco tried to explain to a furious Harry.

"I don't want to hear it. You didn't have the guts to tell me to my face, instead put it in a fucking letter. So I don't want to talk to you. Just collect your stuff and get the fuck out." Harry ordered.

Draco remained rooted to the spot. What? Harry wants me to go?

"I don't understand." Draco whispered.

Harry yanked a trunk out from under the bed and started throwing all of Draco's stuff in it.

"What's not to understand. You expect me to wait around until you decide to leave, living in fear for the day I wake and realise you're gone. No thank you, you can go now. Sorry it isn't on your terms but you're still getting what you want." He coolly explained, as he threw Draco's books from the bedside table in the trunk.

"No. Please Harry. Let me explain." He begged, finally realising what was happening.

He stepped closer to Harry and pulled on his arm. Harry yanked his arm free.

"Don't touch me." He yelled.

Draco didn't know how to handle Harry when he was like this. He was a whirlwind of emotions and nothing would get through to him, until he had calmed down.

"I can explain." Draco begged.

Harry turned his gaze to him, eyes full of anger.

"I think it is fairly simple Draco. It is there for me in black and white, I don't need an explanation." His voice had returned to it's normal level, but just as deadly.

"It's not what you think." He pleaded.

Harry stopped his packing and frowned at him, "How can that be misunderstood." he snapped, pointing a finger at the screwed up letter.

Draco sighed, "Please just sit down and I'll explain."

Harry narrowed his eyes at him, and sat on the chair at their desk. Draco perched on the edge of their bed.

"You were never meant to see it. Ever. I wasn't ever going to give it to you, or leave." He started saying, Harry snorted.

Draco continued, "When I was younger and I struggled with my emotions and hiding them, my mother gave me some advice..."

"How touching Draco, but I couldn't give a shit about Malfoy parenting advice. Get to the point." He interrupted.

Draco glared at him, "I am. Just shut up and listen. I struggled with the Malfoy mask as it were, I couldn't stop feeling such strong emotions. My mother told me to write it down. To write a letter to the person who had annoyed me, upset me, or hurt me. Whatever. So from a young age I would pour all the negative and upsetting things into letters. Then I would destroy the letters, writing them was a form of release for me, therapy as such. I never intend to actually send the letters. I just use them as an outlet, when things got too much."

Harry's body language was still screaming, 'stay away', 'I don't trust you' but he looked like he was thinking over what he had said.

Harry uncrossed his arms and asked, "It is still your thoughts though, your true feelings."

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