Chapter 1: Captured

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Hurrying to the alleyway, I quickly hid from the police. This hasn't been the first time I've hidden, and I suspect this isn't the last time I'll hide from them. The reason why? I've been working for Hydra for as long as I can remember. Well, I used to work for them. I ran away just a few days ago so I wouldn't have to kill like they taught me. So I wouldn't have to be an assassin anymore. I hated that job. I only did it because they told me that my sister was also an assassin, and that if I wanted to impress her, I would need to follow in her footsteps. In all honesty, I don't even remember if I had a sister. I couldn't remember my family at all.

I was only able to escape due to them sending me on a mission. That mission just so happened to be to kill Natasha Romanoff. Unfortunately, I was now on the run because I was a well known assassin, which caused the police to search for me, and Hydra was searching for me because they wanted one of their better assassins back.

Hearing police sirens getting closer, I tried to sneak out of my alley only to freeze when I see flashing red and blue just outside the alley I hid in. And silly me just had to choose to go into the alleyway that was a deadend.

Moving as far back into the shadows, my black catsuit allowing me to blend in better. My mask hid part of my face so that way my identity wouldn't be revealed and they would be able to track me faster. Pulling out my dual katanas, I prepared to attack, wanting them to leave me alone. My training kicked in and any nervous emotions were instantly washed away by an excitement to kill. I watch as two officers stepped into the alley, looking around.

"No sign of The Shadow yet, but she may have turned down another alley", the first one spoke into his walkie talkie. I smirk at my name. I earned that due to always hiding and attacking from the shadows I blended into.

Chuckling, I twirled one of my blades as I step out into the light. "That's where you're wrong, Officer... Pedro." Laughing at his terrified face, I crossed my swords in front of me, before rolling my eyes and putting them away.

"Look, I'm not into that anymore. So scram, and leave me alone", I say. The second officer very bravely tried to read me my rights, but I got sick of it, and pulled my gun from where it sat on my waist. I pointed it at him, and glare at him. "Leave now, or else you both get bullets in your head."

Nodding their heads, they both leave the alley, the police car leaving a few minutes later. After waiting a few minutes later, I quickly left the alley, and found another one, this one having a fire escape leading to the roof. Climbing up it to the roof, I stare out at the city of New York. I smile at all the lights popping up in the city due to the darkening sky. I always loved looking out on the city. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay up on the roof for too long, due to it being exposed, and I was technically in hiding. The only reason why I hadn't changed out of my catsuit, and into less conspicuous clothes was because I had no other clothes nor money to buy clothes.

After climbing down back into the alley, I attempted to sneak out through the main streets, only to stop when I heard someone behind me. Whipping around, I only got a glimpse of a red and blue shield with a silvery white star in the middle.

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