Chapter 3: Surprise at the Party

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Guests actually arrived pretty quickly, and soon I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. Moving to the corner of the room, I silently stood and watched as everyone spoke to each other. Natasha had gone elsewhere soon after guests arrived and I had no clue where to find her. As I stood in the corner, I couldn't help but study a few of the people here. I only recognized the Avengers, and even then they didn't trust me, so I figured it would be best to lay low for a while.

After several hours of partying, and many other festivities, it was just the Avengers, a few of their friends and me. The Avengers where quick to introduce me to their friends. Soon, we were relaxing and just kind of messing around with each other. I couldn't fully relax due to the fact that I had been trained to never let my guard down.

"Whosoever be he worthy, shall have the power of- yeah, whatever man, it's a trick", Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye says, referring to Thor's hammer.

"No, it is much more than that, my friend", Thor says in response. Tony stands up in response to that, and moves towards the hammer that was sitting on the table.

"If I lift it, do I get to rule Asgard?" he asks.

"Yes, of course", Thor says, though it was lighthearted, as if he knew that Tony would not be able to lift it. Tony tries to lift it but is unable. After several minutes of trying, he speaks.

"I'll be right back." When he comes back, he has his Ironman gauntlet on. He uses this to pull the hammer, but said hammer doesn't budge once. He and his friend James Rhodes gives it a try, both with their gauntlets on. It still doesn't work. Not surprising. You can't use sheer force to lift up Mjolnir. Eventually, they give up, and Steve Rogers decides to give it a try. I think we were all shocked when he moves it slightly, though he was unable to lift it. Or so it seems. I suspect that he is actually able to lift it, and due to the look on Thor's face, I think he suspects the same. Of course, that doesn't stop from biting back a laugh at how shocked Thor looks. They look to Natasha to see if she wants to try and lift the hammer, but she refuses.

"Oh, no, no, that's not a question I need answered", she says. They look at me, and I chuckle darkly.

"Yeah, I'm with Natasha", I say. "Besides, I sincerely doubt I'll be able to lift that due to my past."

Tony starts speaking almost immediately. "The handles imprinted. Whosoever carries Thor's fingerprints is, I think, the literal translation."

"Yes, well, it's a very interesting theory", Thor says. "I have a simpler one." He picks up his hammer. "You are all not worthy."

I wince as a loud scraping noise fills the room. "Woooorthy..." it says. "No... How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

I look to where the sound is coming from and there's a broken down robot standing there. I ignore everyone else as the robot continues to speak.

"I'm sorry", it says. "I was asleep. Or I was a dream. There was this terrible noise. I was tangled in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."

I listen to Steve as he speaks. "You killed someone?"

"Wouldn't have been my first call", the robot says. As the conversation continues on, we soon discover that the robot was supposedly an AI named Ultron. Tony and Bruce had created him. Or... tried to create. I gape as Tony's Iron Legion comes through the wall to attack us. Unfortunately, I didn't have any weapons, so the best I could do was lay low until all the robots were destroyed. When I peeked up to see if the battle was over, I noticed one of the robots taking off with the scepter. It was a few moments later that the battle was finally over.

"I have strings, but now I'm free", Ultron does a creepy rendition of a song from Pinocchio, sending shivers down my spine. It was after this that Thor smashed the robot completely, shutting it down.

Speed Is Not Everything *under editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora