Chapter 9

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She finally came back to her senses. She was Aria now. Finding everything perplexing, her body turned around and she rushed out of the bar instantaneously. Her feet led her away from that horrible place because it made her heart ache and she found herself on the familiar grounds of her neighborhood.

"Baby girl, where were you?" Her mother came to her as soon as she spotted her at the door.

"Mama, my heart hurts, it aches. I know a great deal of things, I hear voices which belong to people who I don't even know." Aria burst out into tears, throwing her arms around her mother and succumbing to the pain.

She let herself become weak and relied on her mother to hold her who was soon enough joined by her father. Her eyes shut tightly as everything faded for her, everything turned black and before she knew it, she had passed out.

"We must carry Aria inside." Her father shouted as he picked her up in his strong arms and walked inside the house.

Carl stared, in utter horror, at the chaotic scenery before his eyes. He felt as if he was being useless during this situation but he knew couldn't do much. However, he hoped to ease the situation by being beside Aria, thus he followed his father to Aria's room where his father lay her down on the bed and engaged himself with dialing the doctor's number on the phone. Carl watched his father walk up and down the room with the phone in his hand and frustration on his face, as Carl sat beside the unconscious Aria.

"Father, don't worry, I'm here for Aria." He wrapped his arm around her sister.

His father gazed at him and gave a nervous smile before nodding his head. "You are such a good brother Carl. But I'm afraid that would not work at the moment. Please go to your room and don't worry about your sister, she'll be fine."

An obedient child he was, he stood up and left the room in almost no time. On the other hand, Aria was still unconscious but she had started murmuring some words which her father tried to hear but he failed to understand them. She constantly said things such as 'Second chance,' 'The King' and 'Not dead yet' and it was hard to make anything out of those phrases.

"Please wake up my sweet." Gently, he placed his hand on top of her warm head which was burning furiously and he was forced to pull it back quickly because it was intolerably warm.

He waited, the whole family waited for their beloved Aria to gain consciousness, meanwhile on the other side of the town sat a bewildered mighty man who did not understand who he had just seen, who he had just met. Was it just an illusion? Or was it actually the girl from his past?

Beer after beer he drank just to understand the whole theory and find the answer but it was impossible. Conor knew that three years ago, Anora had died and he had seen the proof himself by visiting her grave several times. No, it could not be Anora. Maybe her friend? Maybe her close relative? But she had no one and he knew that very clearly.

"Give me another Guinness!" He shouted one more time without counting the glasses he had, without looking at the clock and without observing the people around him.

The bar was closed but no one could say anything to a king when he was in his kingdom, having his luxurious time. Little did the people present in the bar know that he was going through a horrible state of mind at the moment so they just assumed he was having a good time, but he obviously wasn't.

His phone started buzzing and he answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" He slurred.

"Hey baby, it's Dee."

"Why'd you call?"

"You aren't here beside me, that is why. Conor, stop drinking and come home now or else I'll come to pick you up. I know exactly where you are." She nervously said those words because she feared him. However, she felt proud too since she was his mistress and had the authority to speak to him in such manner.

"Dee, listen, you need to stop doubting me. I am yours. Stop making your tiny little agents follow me everywhere I go. You know very well that I can crush them single handedly. And don't worry, I'm on my way." Conor stood up and staggered out of the bar before hanging up on his phone and moving towards his grand vehicle. He was so powerful that not even the beer he had could intoxicate him.

Broken and Fixed  - (Conor McGregor)Where stories live. Discover now