Chapter One~ Etria

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7:45 a.m.

It was the last week of school and all the girls were huddled into groups, talking about the test we'd all have to take in a few minutes.

"I want to be a Queen so bad!" One whined.

"To be honest, I want to be a Princess. Because I've been hearing rumors that if I were sorted as a Queen, I'd act like more of a bitch than normal." She flipped her hair and the group laughed loudly.

Haha. It's funny because no one wanted to be anything but a Queen.

I joined up with my friends, Bessa and Hyra. Bessa had frizzy shoulder length bred hair, with many freckles, and Hyra had black straight hair with dark skin and golden eyes. She was considered one of the prettiest girls in school. What's amazing is that instead of using that too make herself look better than others, she only says thank you, walks away, and keeps her distance from every girl who thought they were above the rest.

"Hey, Etria!" Bessa said, bouncing on her heals.

"Hi. You ready for the Test?" I asked them both.

Bessa nodded and Hyra just looked down at her shoes. We had to wear uniforms in this all girls school too.

"Hyra." I said, concerned.

"I don't want to end up like my parents." She looked me in the eye. "My mom was sorted a Queen and that had ended up on her resumé, and that got her a good job. Now she's rich and all she does is boast about her money."

"You don't want to be a Queen?" Bessa asked, shocked.

Hyra just glared at her, obviously not in a good mood.

I sighed as the first bell rang.

Here we go.

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