"Yup. And she even complained about her contact name on your phone... so she changed it to something else." Ryland replies. "And you probably won't change it because she made it cutesy." He adds. Rolling my eyes, I see Laura and Taylor both sitting on the couch laughing.

"No no, a while back, Ross was walking on a bridge by a swamp when us three went for a hike, and he stepped sideways and fell in!" Taylor laughs out, Laura laughing even louder. Sighing, I walk into the kitchen and grab my water bottle. Girl talk is so weird. Just then, my front door opened and in came a noisy one year old named Jackson.

"Jackson!" I say, scaring him. But once he sees me, he smiles and wobbles his way over to me. Swiftly, I pick up my nephew and spin him around. "Hey, buddy." I say, kissing his cheek.

"Oh my god! She is here!" Rydel squeals. I turn both Jackson and I around to witness Rydel go attack Laura in a hug, kind of like Taylor's, yet Laura did the same thing back.

"Now that is mommy getting crazy." Ellington mumbles, looking right at Jackson. Jackson is a spitting image of Ellington. At first, he was blonde, but now? It's a reddish-brunette. But, he does have Rydel's brown eyes. "How's the Raura subject?" He asks, putting a container in the fridge. 

"No progress." I whisper. "But I'm hoping tonight Rydel kinda brings up old times and I don't know, maybe emphasizes how she misses Laura and I hanging out all the time or whatever. Something to get Laura liking the idea of me and her together together." I say, kind of quietly.

"I can tell her to." Just then, Ryland walks over and smiles cheekily at Jackson.

"My buddy!" I let Ryland take Jackson from me and head over to the living room where the three of them were hanging out.

"Sow here's Jackson?" Laura asks, the second I get to her. I point behind me, which she happily walks to. I stop Rydel before she gets to far and first embrace her in a hug.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Do you think it's possible if you like keep telling Laura how much you miss her and remind her that her and I were so great together back then? And even say we'd make a cute couple now or something?" I ask, hoping she'd do it.

"Trust me, bro. I'm already on it. I already asked how the two of you were doing." I raise my eyebrows, about ready to ask what she said. "Nope, girl code, Ross." Frowning, I let her walk into the kitchen where Laura was holding Jackson and recording her self on my phone.

"Guys! I finally met Jackson Ratliff!" She exclaims. "He's so freaking cute!" She adds, kissing his cheek. I watch as she puts it on her story and then locks up my phone, putting it in her sweatshirt pocket, which, by the way, is also mine. Not that I'm complaining. She can wear everything of mine and I still wouldn't mind.

"Jack, that's Auntie Laura." Rydel says, pinching her songs cheek.

"I'm an auntie?" Laura asks, a big smile on her face.

"Honey, you ain't going nowhere now. We're keeping you on a tight leash. Six years is too effing long. And come on, are you two going to really stop talking again? I'm sure it sucked on both ends." Not exactly what I was going for, but thanks, Rydel.

"Yeah, it sucked." Laura says quietly. "Well, I guess I'll put him down now." She lowers him to the ground, but then he wants back up, so Laura laughs and picks him back up. "Oh my god, I'm getting too old to have a kid." She whispers, admiring Jackson. I'll have your kids. In fact, let's make one tonight.

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