Chapter 13: His Butler, Transmitted

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“. . . . Ciel. . . . Ciel. . . . Ciel Phantomhive. . . .” A voice echoes. Ciel wakes up to find himself in a dimension full of film squares. “Look. . . this is your past.” the voice echoes, “Some of it shines brightly. And some of it remains shrouded in darkness. Ciel reaches for a film square with his left hand. “So that is the past you choose, eh?” the voice asks him. Ciel then touched the film square, and before him appeared a vision of his past: his manor engulfed in flames and before his eyes, his father sitting in the chair. “No! Father!” Ciel exclaimed. He then sees what looks like a vampire standing before his father. “Are you. . . ?” Ciel asks the vampire. The vampire then takes his fathers head, and shows it to him. Ciel sees that apart of his mother's head have been stitched to a part of his father's head. Ciel stood there in absolute shock. He then pukes as the horrific sight sickens him.

Meanwhile, it appears that Shana, Sebastian and Grell have appeared in another dimenison. The sky was clear and blue, and in a distance stands a white palace. “This is the Grim Reaper Library!” Grell exclaimed, “I don't know if you're aware, but this where the cinematic records are housed.” “Well then, let's go inside.” Shana said. “Of course.” Sebastian said as he nodded. They began walking over to the grim reaper library. When they arrived at the library and walked in through the front door, a pruner came darting out. Grell quickly dodged its clipper, then it moved back. William T. Spears, the supervisor of the Dispatch Management Division, was the one holding the pruner and he appeared before Grell, Sebastian and Shana. “Just as I suspected, it is you.” William said to Sebastian, “I thought I smelled rat.” “Will!” Grell exclaimed. “To think a demon would have the nerve to set foot in here.” William said, “And who is this little brat here?” He pointed at Shana. “Do you really want to know?” She asked, “I'll tell you. I am the Flame Haze known as the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed Hunter. My name is Shana.” “Flame Haze?” Grell asked. “Flame Hazes. . . I've heard of them before. . .” William said, “They are people that have a contract with a Crimson Lord for power. They protect balance in this world by fighting and destroying these beings known as Crimson Denizens that devour human existences.” “Oh yeah! I remember now!” Grell said, “I didn't know that I was actually with one until now!” “You call me an invading rat, but I do believe you have another infestation to be worrying about.” Sebastian said to William. William realizes that when Sebastian tells him that. “Yes, there is.” he replies “The Denizen.” Alastor said. “Who said that?” William asked. “Me. Alastor, the Flame of Heaven. I am the contractor of the the Flaming-Haired Blazing-Eyed Hunter.” William looked at Shana's necklace and recognized that it was the vessel that she uses to communicate with Alastor. “Excellent,” William said, “looks like I'll have more overtime tonight.” Meanwhile, Ciel wakes up to find himself in another part of the Grim Reaper Library. “So you're awake now, are you?” a voice asks. Ciel looks over and sees the man with long black hair. “So it was you.” he said, “Drac the Crimson Denizen who sent Shana to this time period and slaughtered my parents.” “Drac? Denizen?” the man asks, “Who is this “Drac the Denizen” person you speak of? I am Percy Jewell and I am a torch.” “A torch?” Ciel asked. “Yes, I am a torch.” Percy replies, “which means I will soon disappear and be forgotten about.” So this person isn't the Denizen that sent Shana back in time. . . Ciel thought, But still. . . He stands up from the bench that he woke up on. “Why did you kill my parents?! What did you stand to gain?!” Ciel asked Percy harshly. “Hmm. . . now that you mention it. . . I recall a time where I once contracted with a Crimson Denizen.” Percy replied, “You asked why I killed your parents you say? Well I didn't necessarliy kill them. The denizen I made a contract with killed them under my orders.” “But why?!” Ciel asked. “Because. . . arrogant rich people who can't even contribute to one with a dying little brother. . . are unclean, unnecessary, and unwanted!” Percy replied, “And people of such nature. . . must be ENDED.” Percy's words enraged Ciel. “WHAT?! YOU HAD THEM KILLED BASED ON THAT EXCUSE?!” he furiously asked. “You are a truly unclean human.” Percy said. He jumped over to Ciel and put his hands on his shoulders. “But fear not, I shall alter your unsightly impure past for you. Would you then find peace?” Percy asked. Ciel took a close look at him. He was not going to fall for Percy's trick, since he was the one who ordered his Denizen to kill his parents. Ciel moved out of his grip. “Nice try,” he said, “but your the reason I'm impure!” Percy then put his hand over Ciel's face. Then Ciel sees the vision of his perishing parents again. He drops to his knees and starts crying as the memory haunted him. “Ciel, it's allright.” said a voice. He looks up and now sees a vision his parents in a green field with a clear, blue sky. Ciel's eyes widened as he looked at his parents in the distance. “You don't need to mourn us anymore.” his father said, “You can abandon your grief.” “That's right, Ciel. We hate to see you suffer needlessly like this.” Ciel's mother said. Ciel stands up and takes a closer look. He didn't want to believe what he was seeing. “Liar! My mother and father were killed!” Ciel exclaimed. “We were. But in that moment, we saw a bright light.” his mother said, “It was a tranquil, peaceful glow wrapped in love. In death, your father and I were finally able to become one in body and spirit.” “Yes, that's right.” Ciel's father said, “And now that we are truly joined, now we can embrace your body and spirit as well. And join you to us completely, son.” Ciel felt like he was being hypnotized by the illusion of his parents. They both reached out their hands towards Ciel. “Come Ciel.” his father said. “Our son.” his mother said. “We love you so much.” they both said. “I love you too. . . mother. . . father. . .” Ciel said softly. He began walking slowly towards his parents. Shana, Sebastian, Grell and William were able to locate Percy, who was altering Ciel's memories. When they found him and Ciel, they saw Ciel with film strips running out of him. “Ciel!” Shana exclaimed. “His past is being rewritten, being cleansed.” Percy said, “Soon he'll be as pure as the driven snow.” “Cleansed?” Sebastian asked. “Hatred is painful. No one wants to harbor it in their hearts.” Percy said, “Ciel is no different.” “Master!” Sebastian exclaimed, beginning to run towards his master. “Don't be hasty.” William said to Sebastian. Sebastian stopped and turned to William. “You can't stop him right now.” William said, “If you do, the child's past will be horribly changed. And as a result, he will become something less than human.” “Yes.” Percy said, “Pure as the driven snow.” “My young master. . . being purified. . .” Sebastian said. In the illusion, Ciel was still walking slowly towards his parents. “That's right Ciel, keep going.” his mother said, “We don't bear any grudge towards anybody.” “Yes, come closer Ciel.” his father said, “Don't be left estrayed by things like hatred and pain. Free yourself from all such emotions. Unnecessary. Unclean.” Just as Ciel was only a few steps away from his parents, he realized what was going on. “What is it, Ciel?” his father asked. “What's wrong?” his mother asked. Ciel was trembling with confusion. He remembers why he became the person he is now. And he realizes that if he continues on with the joining of his parents, that would make him go back to the way he was before his parents died. And he did not want that. “No. . . no. . .” he said softly. “What, Ciel?” his mother asked. “No, I. . . don't want. . .” he replied softly. “What are you saying? Please, Ciel.” his mother said with worry in her voice. “Maybe you never bore a grudge,” Ciel said, “but still, that has nothing to do with me. Nothing, it cannot change my hatred!” “But Ciel, how could you say that?” his father said. “Please think about what you're really saying! I thought you loved us, dear!” his mother exclaimed. “I do love you, I always will.” Ciel said with tears in his eyes, “And that's why it hurts to lose you. It hurts so much. After that, hatred was all I had left.” “Why don't you just let it go?” Ciel's father asks him. “I can't!” Ciel exclaimed, “If I let go of hatred, then the person I've been that day disappears with it. That's not me! It's not me!!” “But darling. . .” his mother said. Ciel's vision begins begins to get all staticy. He sees the images of the merged faces of his mother and father. Horrified, he screams at the top of his lungs, making his parents even more worried about him. “Please Ciel.” his mother said. “I won't. . . let go. . .” Ciel said softly, “I will not let it go. I will not lose my hatred!” Ciel gives his parents an angry glare. Then the illusion ends, making the cinematic records rewind on their own. As Ciel reappeared in the library, Sebastian caught him when he was falling. Shana runs over to them. “Ciel, are you okay?” She asks Ciel. “What the hell were you thinking?” Sebastian asked. “Sebastian. . . good catch” Ciel said softly. “Always surprising.” Sebastian said, “You are forever exceeding my expectations. You have a worthy soul. Indeed, truly worthy, master.” “Yeah, I'd like to know what you mean by that.” Shana said to Sebastian. Shana said to Sebastian. Shana turns to face Percy, who she still thinks is Drac. “All right Drac!” Shana said. “Hold on a moment.” Alastor said to Shana, “This man is not Drac.” Shana then sinced that Percy was actually not a denizen and instead a torch. “But. . . this man looks just like Drac.” she replied. “He does. But he is not Drac.” Alastor replied. “My name is Percy Jewell.” Percy said to Shana, “I am a torch made by the Crimson Denizen I once made a contract with, Andrew Jewell. Andrew has also killed the parents of Ciel Phantomhive under my orders.” “Percy. . . Andrew. . .” Shana said. “Yes, Andrew Jewell.” Percy replied, “I named the denizen after my younger brother who was ill and I needed money to get him to hospital. Those rich, careless bastards wouldn't contribute and let him die. So I decided THEY should suffer. I was originally going to have Ciel killed, but I couldn't find him anywhere in the burning manor. His parents however were killed by Andrew, and I had thought that Ciel must have perished in the fire. Afterwards, Andrew consumed my existence and replaced it with this torch. I knew I would disappear anytime now, and I'd rather do it without regrets.” He gives Ciel an angry glare. “Ciel, you are an unclean, unnecessary, and unwanted human being in this world.” he said, “ALL of you wealthy, arrogant nobles are. TIME TO SNUFF YOU OUT.” “We'll see about that.” Sebastian said to Percy while he pulled out some kitchen knives. “A crime in the library is our jurisdiction.” William said, “Let us join the fight. Now, come with me Grell.” “Oh my!~” Grell exclaimed. He jumps over next to Sebastian and gets turned on as he joins the fight with Sebastian, William and Shana. “Oh! We will march into battle together then! A passionate fight indeed~” Grell exclaimed. Suddenly, the Undertaker walks by with a cartriage full of books. He pulled up to one of the bookshelves and picked up a book off the cartriage. “Let's see here. . . Number 8. . .” he said while his eyes was scanning the bookshelf. “Undertaker?” Ciel asked. “Hi!” The Undertaker says as he turned around to wave hello at Ciel. “Hey you! What are you doing here?!” Grell asked the Undertaker rudely. William hit Grell upside the head with his pruner. “Mind your manners, idiot!” William yelled at Grell, “He's a ledgend. He passed judgement on Robin Hood and sent Marie Antoinette to hell. The grim reaper who makes even crying children willingly give up their souls.” “No! Not fair!” Grell exclaimed, “How could this creepy old man be a legendary grim reaper?!” He went over to the Undertaker and lifted up his bangs. He then got turned on as he saw what he really looked like. Meanwhile Percy was about the exit the Grim Reaper library. “You seem busy.” Percy said to Ciel, Sebastian and Shana, “I suppose I'll have to start my purification in the Abbey then.” “Running away, coward?” Sebastian asked Percy. “You shall see. I'll show you all what happens to a world ruled by impurity. I doubt you'll like it though.” Percy replies as he was beginning to warp away. Sebastian through some knives at him, but he already had warped away. Percy now appeared before everyone in the church. “The time has now come. The moment is in hand at last.” Percy announced, “Give up everything to me. Including your sullied doomsday books they have no future to offer you. There is nothing left.” Before long there was mass confusion inside the chruch. Everyone wondered if Percy, who was supposedly the preist, was being real or if he was being possessed. “All of you who have gathered here. Your souls are impure.” Percy said to them, “They are dependent, leaning on others. You have forgotton how to take the future into your own hands. The unclean, end them. The unwanted, end them. The unnecessary, end them.” Just then, Sebastian appears before Percy. “You wish to die at the hands of a torch, do you Sebastian Michaelis?” Percy asked him. Sebastian then pulled out some knives and dashed towards Percy. Percy also pulled out some knives and blocked Sebastian's attack. Then he jumped up in an attempt to shoot some at him, but then William came out of nowhere with his pruner. He managed to catch a grip of Percy's neck with it and pinned him to the wall. “Let's get to work” He said, tossing another pruner to Grell. Grell got excited when he got a pruner from William. “Oh! A brand new death scythe!!” Grell exclaimed. He then used it to stab Percy's left hand, holding him back even more. “You shall wash and return it when this is over.” William said to Grell. Grell then sank in dissapointment. “Don't forget about me too!!” Shana said while flying towards Percy. She pulled out her sword and stabbed his right hand with it. “This looks like it could be fun.” Sebastian said, “Do you know what? I think we should have ourselves a game of dance.” Sebastian threw another knife at Percy's left arm. “Oh dear, I missed.” Sebastian said, “Now, whatever do you think I should aim for next?” “Pick me! I want to play!~” Grell exclaimed. “A demon all right.” William said. “Now what?” Shana asked. Suddenly, Percy then began to unleash some unknown power, which begins to make the church collapse. “What's is that?” Shana asked. “Does he mean to die alongside us?” Sebastian asked. “Snuff out the unclean, Snuff out the unnecessary. . .” Percy said while still unleashing his power. “Uh, boys, see the ceiling.” Grell pointed out. “You're all free to go now, it might be the best option for you.” Sebastian said to everyone in the church. Everyone then evcauted, Including Ciel, Shana, Sebastian, Grell, and William.” The church collapsed to the ground and Percy disappeared and was forgotten about by many. The sun was beginning to rise when Ciel and Shana were looking at the destroyed church. “It's over, isn't it?” Shana asked Ciel. “Yes, it is.” Ciel replied, “Well, I would like to say I am sorry I could not be able to get you back to your time period. But I'm sure you'll catch back up someday.” Ciel looks over to Shana. “Wait, what are you talking about?” Shana asked him nervously. “Good luck to you. And goodbye, Shana.” Ciel replied with a smile on his face. “Ciel! Wait!” Shana exclaimed. Ciel walks over to Sebastian knowing what was about to happen to him. He was going to have his soul taken by his butler. “A promise is a promise.” Ciel said to Sebastian. Shana then realized what Ciel told her before about how Sebastian would consume his soul when he achieved his goal. Shana already suspected Sebastian as a denizen anyhow. “Sebastian!” Shana yelled while pulling out her sword, “You better back off, you Denizen!” As Sebastian walks closer to Ciel, Shana become more frantic. “IF YOU LAY ONE FINGER ON HIM, I'LL KILL YOU!!” She yelled. Sebastian reaches over to fix the tie that Ciel was wearing with his uniform for the Heavenly Choir. Ciel opened his eyes and saw that the tie was fixed and that Sebastian wasn't taking his soul. “Wait, Sebastian's not taking his soul?” Shana asked. “Why Sebastian?! Why aren't you taking my soul?!” Ciel yelled while grabbing Sebastian by his suit, “He's dead, isn't he?!” He looked up at Sebastian's face, and saw him smiling. Ciel realizes that his goal has not been achived quite yet. He still needed to help Shana defeat Drac, the one who murdered Ciel's parents. “Sebastian then bowed before Ciel. “I'm sorry, I'll be serving you a while longer.” Sebastian replied, “And, Shana.” He looks over to Shana. “What?” Shana replied. “What is this “denizen” you speak of? I am no denizen. I am a demon.” Sebastian said to her, “Do you know how I am one? It's because I do not lie. When I say I will be with the young master until the end, I do obviously mean it. I shall be by his side no matter what. Even should I perish in this world, I'd still be there. In the very depths of hell.” So he really is a demon. . .Shana thought, Well, it's a good thing that he didn't eat Ciel's soul yet. . . even so. . . . Just when they were getting ready to leave, Shana was mad at Ciel for making her worry. “Hey, Ciel.” Shana said to him. Ciel turned to face Shana who was walking closer to him. “Yes? What is it?” Ciel replied. Shana gave Ciel a hard punch in the face, sending him down to the ground. “What's your bloody problem Shana?! How dare you punch a nobleman! That really hurt!” Ciel yelled. “SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!” Shana yelled, “YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHY I PUNCHED YOU YOU RECKLESS IDIOT!!” “EXCUSE ME-” Ciel began to say. “It's because you made her think Sebastian would consume your soul, Ciel.” Alastor told him. “You. . . really had me worried there, Ciel. Not only I wouldn't have been able to go back to my own time period, but also I wouldn't be able to see you anymore.” Shana said to Ciel. “Not that it matters to me now whether Sebastian eats your soul in the end or not, but why can't you just give up on this whole making whoever killed your parents suffer the same pain you did thing! Because not only it would make me worry, but others too.” “Like who? Elizabeth?” Ciel asked her. “Yeah, but what about your other servants? Yeah they can be reckless with their chores, but at least everything they're trying is for YOU. If anyone's probably more reckless than them, it's YOU.” Shana said. “How about if I burn your home down and kill your loved ones?! You'd understand how I feel then, wouldn't you?!” Ciel yelled. “You're right, I wouldn't understand because I never had any real parents. But I was raised by another flame haze named Wilhelmina. And you'd probably say she's like a mother to me.” Shana replied, “Even so I still wouldn't understand what it'd be like to loose someone precious to you. But I have felt loneliness before, and I could understand how lonely you must feel. If you keep up this whole vengance thing, you're gonna end up hurting someone. Like your fiancee Elizabeth, or Finny, or Mey-Rin, or Baldroy, or maybe even. . .” Tears began to gather in her eyes. “Maybe even someone like me. . .” Shana said with tears in her eyes, “I told you. . . I'm your friend. . . I'll help you from suffering that pain. . . So why won't you let me? How do you think it would make me feel if you got your revenge and then you're just gone? The same way you felt when your parents die, sad and lonely. . .” She then dropped to her knees and covered he face and started to cry. “I hate to admit it young master, but the young lady is right.” Sebastian told Ciel, “You should think about how your actions make others feel. I can tell that she does indeed care about you. Your bond has grown quite a bit since you two met.” Ciel then realizes that Shana's words are starting to strike him. He looks at her kneeling on the ground crying with her face covered and felt somewhat sorry. “Shana. . .” Ciel said to her. She uncovers her face and looks up at Ciel with tears running down her eyes. “I'm sorry. . . I now realize that I was so caught up in my own pain and anger that I forgot about how it would make others feel. . . including you. So if there really is a way for me to move on without getting revenge and having Sebastian consume me afterwards, then please, help me. . .” Ciel said. Shana stands up, wipes her eyes, smiles and puts her arms around Ciel. “Sh-Shana. . .” Ciel replied. “I don't want to see you in pain, Ciel.” Shana said to him while hugging him still, “I want to be here for you. I want you to be more happy. Sure you might not have a mother or father anymore, but if you look around you, you still have others that care about you. Finny, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Tanaka, Lizzy, even Soma and Agni. You and Sebastian mean a lot to them for what you've done for them. And of course, I care about you. So please, try be more happy. At least for me.” Her words really struck Ciel. It in fact made him smile and he put his arms around her. “I'll try. . .” He replied. Sebastian smiled as he watched the two hugging each other under the rising sun.

To be continued in Volume 3 :P

Crimson Butler: Kuroshitsuji/Shakugan No Shana Fanfic (Vol. 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz