Chapter 10: His Butler, Competing

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It was the day of the curry exhibition. Ciel and Shana, along with Sebastian, Finnian, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, Soma, Lau, and Ran Mao (who is Lau's “sister”) were at the Crystal Palace as the exhibition was about to begin. “Well, I have certain preperations to make, I must excuse myself now.” Sebastian said. “Okay see you later!” Finnian exclaimed. “You can do it Sebastian! Good luck!” Baldroy exclaimed. Then Soma spotted someone familiar: An Indian woman with long, black hair, gray eyes, wearing a dark-pink sari with a light-pink shawl worn over it. That woman was Mina, the woman he had been looking for the whole time he was in England. He then started to rush towards her. “Mina!” Soma exclaimed. Mina turned around and saw Soma rushing towards her. “Prince Soma?” She said. “Mina! I'm so glad! Agni got you back!” Soma exclaimed as he hugged her, “You don't have to worry now, we can go back to the palace.” “Highness?” Mina asked. Then, she realized why she was here in England in the first place. She was also disgusted with Soma's ignorance about her true feelings. “How stupid are you?” Mina asked rudely, “Go back with you? Don't make me laugh! Why would I ever want to go back there? I already went through so much trouble to escape. People born into royalty can lounge around, never doing a day of work in their lives. But because I was born into a low class, I was forever doomed to be a servant. I don't want to spend my whole life slaving away for the rich!” Soma was shocked by her words. “You went with him willingly? It was your decision?” Soma asked her softly. “Yes that's right!” Mina replied, “A lonely servant or a rich man's wife? Even a child knows which one is better! I spent my life taking care of you, you selfish brat! I'm done with it! I promised I would not tell you. But now, here you are. You're old enough to know the truth.” She then ran away, leaving Soma in absolute shock. Soon after, the curry exhibition then began. “Thank you all for waiting!” said the announcer, “Welcome to the curry festival! And the best curry that London could offer!” As the audience cheered, Ciel and Shana noticed that Viscount Druitt was one of the judges for the curry contest. He was also one of the judges for the ice scuplting contest at the Frost Fair. “Him again?” Lau asked. “Attenion seeker. . .” Ciel said. “And now, let the cooking begin!” said the announcer. Just then, some horns began to blow. The whole audience turned to see a long red carpet rolling down the isle, and in the distance, saw the queen walking with her humble servant. “Her majesty?!” Ciel exclaimed. As the queen walked with her servant down the isle, the whole audience, except for Shana, Lau, and Ran Mao, sang the national anthem for England, God Save the Queen.

God save our gracious queen,

Long live our noble queen,

God save the queen.

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us,

God save the queen.

After they finished the song, the queen then took her reserved seat and whispered in her servant's ear. Her servant then proceeded to announce to the audience what he was told by her. “Her majesty bids me tell you: I am so sorry I have been unable to appear before you. However, I am now in such perfect health that I might even enjoy curry again. My late husband was exceedingly fond of curry as well. I look forward to your food.” he said. Then the audience cheered for the queen. “And with that, ALLEZ CUISINE!!” the announcer exclaimed, commencing the contest. Sebastian, Agni, and the other contestants then began the cooking. The audience was rather impressed with Agni's cooking technique. He was picking different types of spices to put in the curry that he was making. The audience thought it smelled amazing. They were also impressed with Sebastian's cooking. But then, someone noticed something akward about it. “I say, what is he doing?” a man asked. Everyone, including Harold West looked to see that Sebastian was taking bits of a chocolate bar and dropping them into the curry. “Choclate in curry? What is he thinking?” another man said. “How revolting,” a woman said. “A kid's company, of course they use chocolate!” Harold laughed, “Just a bit of publicity.” “He is wrong, that is a legitimate ingredient.” Agni said, “Blending cacao provides aroma and bitterness and gives it a mellow, full bodied flavor.” He then looked at Sebastian as he was continuing to make the curry. “Where did you get an idea like that?” He asked him, “You are an englishman, are you not?” “It was an order from my master.” Sebastian replied, “I do his bidding, no matter how reckless his orders seem to be. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler.” Agni looked closely at Sebastian and Ciel. He saw the strong bond between them, and was thinking about his own master Soma. He felt that Soma wouldn't forgive him for his actions and wanted to make amends for them. So he pulled out one of his main ingredients for his curry, something almost no one has ever even seen before: blue lobster. “A blue lobster?!” someone exclaimed. “It's Homard Bleu!” Viscount exclaimed, “The legendary blue lobster said to only exist in the seas of Brittany! It's beautiful blue shell wraps around it like a dress wraps around a woman. So perfect, so magnificent. And it's flavor is simply exquisite! The sweetness of the lobster is said to paralyze men before!” “Exactly! You can't just add anything to curry. You see, mine is the truly sophisicated recepie.” Harold said. “Whatever happens, I shall defeat you. Prepare for me, I have the hand of a goddess!!” Agni exclaimed. He chopped up the lobster with his godly right hand and continued to cook. Then the time stopped. “Time up! And now for the judging!” The announcer said, “First we have Parson Tubb's beef curry.” When the judges tasted the curry, they thought that it wasn't a a bad recepie since the beef was thickly cut and served in generous portions. However, the flavor was dull. When they got to Agni's curry, he presented them seven types of curry with blue lobster. “So vividly colorful!” One judge said. When the judge took a bite out of it, he was delighted by the taste. “Delicious!” he exclaimed, “Perfect sweetness! And the texture's like butter melting on your tounge!” “On top of that, he's giving us seven different types of curry!” another judge said. “Oooohhhh! This is you! The beautiful woman I met at the ball that night; The seven jewels that adorn your neck; the brilliant gold brooch; the perfectly matching braclet; the pearls and sapphire; the garnet choker; the lovely cameo! And on your finger: a ring of diamonds and emeralds showing off your natural beauty. My love, you stole my heart right there!” Aleister exclaimed. Then the judges moved on to Sebastian's curry. “I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.” Sebastian said. He removed the lid from the platter and presented to the judges what looked like balls of dough. The judges were rather shocked. “This is curry?” a judge questioned. Then sebastian took the balls of dough over to a frying pan and put them in there, so they would be cooked. The judges where clueless about what was going on. “What are ya doin' Sebastian? We ain't makin' donuts here!” Baldroy exclaimed. When the buns finished cooking, Sebastian handed them over to the judge saying that it was “Funtom Company Curry.” “I don't see any curry.” a judge said. “Hold on a moment,” Aleister said as he cut the bun open, “it's curry on the inside!” Agni and Harold were stunned by what Sebastian had made. “The Funtom Company presents our special brand of curry: behold, the curry bun.” Sebastian said, showing the audience a plate of the bun. They were surprised with Sebastian's creation. The judges were really pleased with the taste of the curry bun, especially Aleister, which made him orgasm. “You are the lovely young maiden I met at the Soiree! By day you appear to be but a twittering robin; but then night falls then I see you beautiful face, your true face. I want you badly! I want to embrace you my love!” Aleister exclaimed. “Yet another rave review!” The announcer exclaimed, “Everyone, I think we really do have a contest here! The judges will now need a little bit of time for deliberation. And in the meantime, the guests can enjoy any curry they like!” The audience went to taste the different types of curry made, except for the queen. “The queen hasn't eaten anything.” Shana said to Ciel. “I'm sure she's avoiding the curry because of her fragile health.” Ciel explained to her, “But maybe she'll try the ones in top contention. Of course, her decision is sure to influence the judges. The queen utlimately decides who gets the royal warrant.” Meanwhile, Soma was sulking while looking at the statue of Kali. “Agni, you knew about her. So you tried to keep me from seeing her again.” he said softly to himself. “What are you doing?” Ciel asked out of the blue, “You do realize that you're butler is competing up there, right? Aren't you going to support him?” “I know, but I have been thinking. . . . I have been so ignorant. I have never even tried to understand how Mina always felt, how Agni still must feel.” Soma said. “If you can see that much, then what are you doing standing here?” Ciel asked, “He has fought for you. How many times has it been now? Butler or not, you owe him something for that.” Then he walked away. Finnian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Shana then came along. “Oh look, there he is!” Finnian exclaimed, “Your highness, we're here!” “The tasting started, yes it has!” Mey-Rin exclaimed. “You should really hurry or else you're gonna miss it.” Baldroy said. “Try this, it tastes really good.” Shana said, handing him a curry bun. Soma took the bun and took a bite out of it. “So good!” Soma said, “Your butler is an amazing chef indeed. These buns are spectacular.” Meanwhile, Mina went to see Harold, her husband. She overheard him and Agni talking about how they may or may not win this contest. “I'm sure there's no need to worry, right my darling?” She said to him. “Mina! What are you doing here?! What if his highness should see you?!” Agni asked her in surprise. “He already has.” Mina replied. “He saw you? Did you. . . ?” Agni asked with concern in his voice. Mina explained to him that she revealed her true feelings to Soma. Agni was shocked. He agreed to work with Harold so that she wouldn't tell Soma her true feelings for him. This was explanation of why it seemed as if Agni betrayed Soma on his own free will. But now, Mina has actually told Soma. Devestated, Agni breaks down into bloody tears. “How could you do that to him?! The prince cared so much for you! And you seem to care for him as well. . .” he cried. “A man like you would never understand.” Mina replied, “A brahmin who left his privledged station to become the servant of some little brat.” “And why did I do this? And what does it mean?” Agni asked. “How should I know why you did it?” Mina replied, then she walked away. Meanwhile, Ciel and Shana were eating some of the curry buns. Shana thought they were really tasty. In fact, she almost liked them as much as melon bread. “This is so good, Ciel! Your butler is an amazing cook!” Shana exclaimed, “I think I really like these as much as melon bread.” “Good to see that you are enjoying them.” Ciel said. Shana was really enjoying herself with the curry buns. But then, Mina came out of nowhere and began to lose control. “Don't make me laugh!” She bursted out saying, “How you flatter yourselves, Equality? The future? The queen of a rich country like this who's never done any hard work has no place saying that!!!” She then slapped a plate of the curry off the table. “Mina! What are you doing?! You're in front of her majesty!” Harold exclaimed. Mina turned around and punched him, sending him flying. The guards went to restrain her, but she was easily able to push them away. “YOU DON'T KNOW CURRY! IT IS A CASTMARKER!!” Mina yelled as she was pushing away the guards. While this was going on, others were going berserk too. Shana pulled out her sword as her hair color changed from black to red, then went to fend them off. Ciel rushed towards the queen to protect her, but he was blocked by the crazed people. “That smell. That's hatred. Hatred and greed. The stench of the impure. Snuff it out, kill him. . .” one said. Sebastian jumped in and knocked them out. “Well, what do you know about that, my lord? It seems Kali has risen.” he said to Ciel. “If the story is correct, Kali carried around a demon's head.” Ciel replied, “How about we disprove the legend then? I order you to stop Kali!” “Indeed, my young lord.” Sebastian replied. Soma watched the crowd that didn't go beserk run away in fear, then saw Shana fighting the crowd that did go beserk. “Ms. Shana, what happened here?!” Soma asked her. “It's Mina! She's gone beserk!” Shana replied. Soma looked over at Mina fighting Sebastian. She was throwing rapid punches at him, and he was rapidly blocking them. “I'll admit it, you are skilled. But you are no goddess.” Sebastian said to Mina. “Mina no!” Soma exclaimed. Then Agni appeared before him and Shana. “My prince!” Agni exclaimed. “Agni? Tell me, what is going on here?” Soma asked “I do not know” Agni replied, “Mina and some of the others at some of the curry and suddenly. . .” Some went over to one of the plates of curry and tasted it. When he tasted it, he noticed it was no ordinary spice. “This is Kali Ma!” Soma exclaimed. “Kali Ma?” Shana asked. “My father once told me about it. This is a forbidden spice. It reacts to the dark desires withing the human's heart. It makes us into monsters.” Soma explained. He looked over at Mina. “I am sorry, Mina. I never knew your heart was so wounded.” Soma said softly. “This is not your fault, she is possessed by the evil spice.” Agni said to him. “I know that. You do not need to say anymore.” Soma replied, “I have blamed everyone except myself. All of my loneliness, and then Mina leaving me too. Such a spoiled brat, why should anyone love me? But you, you were always there even when I could not have deserved it. I am sorry I have not said it. Please forgive me, and tell me, will you still be there for me?” As Soma spoke, Agni had normal tears falling from his eyes. “My prince. . .” Agni replied. He nodded his head, agreeing to continue serving his prince. Soma was happy to know it. Now he knows what need to be done now. “Mina is wrong! Stop her!” he ordered his butler. “Jo Anja!!” Agni replied. He then went to assist Sebastian and Shana in the fighting. Mina went dashing towards Ciel and the queen. Soma jumped in her way. No, wait! Mina!” Soma exclaimed. Then Mina stepped on a blue lobster and tripped and fell. Soma went over to her. “Mina! Forgive me!” he exclaimed. Then he stomped her out with his foot. “Sebastian! Feed them some of the buns you made!” Ciel ordered Sebastian. “Certainly,” Sebastian replied. He pulled out a plate of the curry buns and threw them into the mouths of the crazed. As they ate them, they went back to normal, and so did Mina. “Mina!” Soma exclaimed “Prince Soma, I was completely right. You are awful.” Mina said. Then she fainted. “The queen bids me tell you: The goodness of your curry buns defeated the evil of the demon spice and healed those who had been inflicted. And therefore, the winner of the royal warrant has been decided.” the queen's servant announced, “The Funtom Company will receive the royal warrant.” Later on during sunset, the queen and her servant went to thank Ciel and Sebastian for their hard work. “Thank you.” the servant said, “You have done very well today. I congratulate you on your success in obtaining a royal warrant. Her majesty has expressed her gratitude towards you. She bids me tell you: I'm sorry for your hardship, but know I've been watching your work closely. I am in the light, as you are in the shadows. Though our oppositions are different, we both strive for the same thing. I ask that you continue to aid her majesty.” “Yes.” Ciel replied. The servant smiled. “Then I will bid you farewell.” he said. Then he left. “I have to thank you too, Ciel.” Soma said, “What if I had never met you? I would be as selfish and ignorant as I have always been. There are still so many things that I have to learn. All of England. No, all of the world has much to teach me and I am a willing student!” “And thank you.” Agni said to Sebastian, “Your household has taught me and the prince so many things. What would we have done without you?” “Please lift up your head.” Sebastian replied, “I had my own reasons for my actions. You have absolutley no reason to be thanking me. The gods you believe in are Kali and Shiva. They were able to realize their mistakes through mutual pain. Just like you and Soma. And you know what they say: No pain, no gain.” “I've re-learned my god's teachings from an englishman. That is quite embarrasing!” Agni said. “Nationality is irrelevant.” Sebastian replied, “All places and all times are essentially the same. Human nature is a static thing. “Yes, I understand.” Agni replied, “It's just how the sun sets over the Ganges River and the Thames are equally beatuiful.” Soma felt happier than ever. In fact, he was so happy, that tears began to flow out of his eyes. He then gave Ciel and Shana a tight hug as he began to sob. “MINA!! MY MINA LEFT ME FOR GOOD!!” Soma sobbed “Let us go!” Ciel and Shana yelled. Both Soma and Agni were glad they came to England. Because they had made friends ideally suited to them; Soma and Ciel, and Agni and Sebastian.

Crimson Butler: Kuroshitsuji/Shakugan No Shana Fanfic (Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now