Chapter 12: His Butler, Offering

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One morning, Ciel and Shana were training at the manor. Ciel was dodging hits that Shana was thrusting at him with her wooden sword. Ciel dodged all but one. “Not bad, Ciel.” Shana said, “You've been improving quite a lot. We're gonna have to raise your training level up by a bit next time.” “Yeah. I can feel it. I'm getting stronger.” Ciel replied. “Let's take a break and finish our training session later.” Shana said. “Right.” Ciel replied. When they went inside and walked down the hall, they heard some laughing in a nearby room. They went inside and saw Tanaka and Ash (who is the queen's butler) drinking some tea. “Look, Tanaka, three upright teastalks!” Ash joked, “I think it promises to be an excellent day!” “Ho. . . Ho. . . Ho. . .” Tanaka laughed. Ciel looked closely at Ash. Ash was with the queen at the curry exhibition. He is a tall man with white hair and usually dressed in white. He also carries a sword with him for protection. “Wait, I know you! You're the queen's butler!” Ciel said. “Yes, we met at the curry exhibition at the Crystal Palace.” Shana added. “Greetings Lord Phantomhive and friend of her majesty's guard dog,” Ash said, “I do apoligize for this embarrasing display.” “Why is the queen's butler here sipping tea at my estate?” Ciel asked. “So sorry, I thought you were aware of his role, young master.” Sebastian said. “This entire time, Ash has been her personal messenger. His job is to deliver the orders her majesty sends out for you, my lord.” “That's not a job for a butler!” Ciel exclaimed. “Forgive me, but I beg to differ. . .” Ash said, “If I couldn't consult the Doomsday Book for those requesting an audience with her majesty and to travel here to deliver a simple message and stop for an elegant tea break, what kind of butler would I be?” he then took another sip of his tea. “Yes, well. . . having a tea break is hardly a duty for a butler.” Ciel said. “May I ask what brings you here today?” “Indeed.” Ash replied, “Outside of Preston, there is a Catholic abbey. It was burned down during the reformation and no longer in use. A cult espousing deviant doctrines is gathering there. We have received word that the cult's leader is in possesion of the Doomsday Books of all of its many followers.” “You mean, the land registers? Where all livestock and property is recorded?” Ciel asked, “I don't understand, what could he possibly want with that?” “Oh no, their doomsday books are quite a bit different than that.” Ash replied, “They aren't the normal records you're used to. They don't cover property. These are the records required when you stand before the lord in heaven on Doomsday. The day of judgement. All of your sins and good works are supposedly recorded there.” “I'm getting weary of the occult.” Ciel sighed. “There had been the most distressing rumors circling.” Ash explained, “Apparently, they're planning to revolt against the government. Their activites as of late have made the people of Preston quake with fear. Her majesty worries; she wants her people safe.” “So, are you asking me to simply make sure this cult is disbanded. . . or rather, eliminated?” Ciel asked. “That choice is yours. We leave it up to you.” Ash replied. “All right, understood.” Ciel replied. After Ash left, Ciel and Shana were discussing with Sebastian on the next mission from the queen. “So now what?” Shana asked. “According to Ash, the abbey is heavily guarded. That is something to consider.” Sebastian informed. “So we can't just waltz in through the front door then. . .” Ciel said. “Incidentally, he did mention one more thing: apparently, a large number of coffins have been delivered there in recent days.” Sebastian said. “Coffins?” Shana asked. They knew who they needed to see before they took any further action; The Undertaker. Ciel, Shana, and Sebastian then went to London to pay a visit to the Undertaker's parlor. “Welcome, little lord.” said the Undertaker, facing away from Ciel. “Listen up, Undertaker.” Ciel said. I have something to ask of you. “In that case. . .” The undertaker said as he slowly turned to face Ciel. Ciel and Shana noticed that it was actually not the undertaker, but someone else who was wearing glasses. “Oh come on! The very best lover, Bassy has drawn forward!!~” Grell exclaimed as he jumped out of his Undertaker disguise and rushed to tackle Sebastian. Sebastian moved out of the way and Grell went face first into the wall. “G-Grell?!” Ciel exclaimed. “Wait, I know you!” Shana exclaimed, “You're the grim reaper who helped us stop the puppet man!” “Hello, my lord.” The Undertaker said. Ciel turned to see the Undertaker was actually bathing in salt. “What are you doing in there?!” Ciel asked. “The bounder told me he wasn't afraid of grim reapers, so I buried him in salt.” Grell said. “Yes, he did! All the moisture in my body is being sucked right out of it as we speak! It's a great feeling!” the Undertaker exclaimed. He took a look at Shana. “And who are you again?” the Undertaker asked. “Shana.” Shana replied. “Ah! I remember now! You're the young master's girlfriend, right?” the Undertaker asked mischievously. Shana got mad. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” she yelled while punching him in his head. “So tell me, what are you doing here?” Ciel asked Grell. “Will gave me a job to investigate, that's all.” Grell replied, “But I couldn't find any information. It was getting late and I was tired. So I lay down in a field of flowers. The next thing I know, I'm waking up here in this shop! I should be careful in the future not to stop breathing while I sleep. But I was waiting for a certain prince to come along and revive me with his kiss,~” he looked at Sebastian. “So what are you investigating?” Sebastian asked. “Nothing much, just the grim reaper's store of cinematic records.” Grell replied, “Some of them have been stolen.” “What are cinematic records?” Shana asked. “Not something a kid needs to worry about.” Grell replied. “They are reels of of film containing memories of someone's lifetime.” Sebastian explained, “Grim reapers extract them from the To-Die list and they decide where the person goes from there. “That's basically it, though you should be aware that you humans can only see them when you die.” Grell added. “And these records. . . how exactly is it that they were allowed to be stolen?” Sebastian asked. “Well, you see. . .” Grell said, “they're stored in the library when we aren't using them. Good and evil, the full past of everyone who is destined to die. All of their lives are stored there in the form of books.” “So you reapers have a group of books written in preperation for doomsday.” Ciel said. “This is something you heard of before, isn't it?” Sebastian asked the Undertaker. The Undertaker nodded. “Undertaker, if you will, there is something that I need your help with.” Ciel told him. “Well then, you do know the price for that, don't you?” Undertaker chuckled, “Actually, on second thought, I'll do it for free this time!” He put Ciel, Shana, Sebastian, and Grell in some coffins and took them to the abbey near Preston. When they arrived, it was being guarded, but the Undertaker knew what just to do. “I'm here to deliver the coffins that you ordered.” he said. “Coffins? Are you certain sir?” the guard asked, “I don't believe I've been informed about a delivery like that.” “I have the order right here.” Undertaker replied while reaching into his jacket. He was digging through it to make it seem as if he was looking for the order. Ciel, Shana, Sebastian and Grell snuk out of the coffins and went to hide behind a bush. “All right then, perhaps you should come in after all.” the guard said, “Your friends over there are welcome as well.” Ciel, Shana, Sebastian and Grell came out of the bush. “In that case, I believe I'll be taking my leave of you.” Undertaker said, “I've accomplished what I came here to do.” “I understand, thank you for all of your hard work.” the guard replied, “I wish you only the best. May your soul be truly cleansed.” Ciel, Shana, Sebastian and Grell then went inside the abbey. “I thought it was supposed to be difficult to get in here.” Ciel said. “Yes. . . that is what I thought as well.” Sebastian said. “Same here.” Shana said. They noticed some people of the abbey walking by with smiles on their face. “They have such perfect smiles, don't they?” Ciel asked. “Perhaps you should be learning from them considering you have forgotten how to smile yourself.” Sebastian told him. “Don't be stupid. Those smiles were fake. And you know it.” Ciel replied. They went inside an empty chruch and looked around in it. Ciel was looking up at some of the window art and noticed a familiar symbol on the circular window at the very top. It was the symbol from the mark that he got on the birthday his parents perished. Shana walked up to him. “What's up?” She asked him. Some children then came around laughing playing. “Good evening!” They greeted cheerfully. “Another gorgeous day today, wasn't it?” One of the kids asked. “Oh, Look! Aren't you just the cutest thing? I don't do really well with kids though.” Grell said. “Hello there, unclean one! I can see every bit of your unpruity!” One of the kids said. Grell felt insulted and provoked by the child. “Say what?!” he yelled. “What's wrong? Is their something bothering you, unclean one? Are you not feeling well?” Another kid asked. “You brat! What right do you have to be calling me unclean?!” Grell yelled as he punched the kid in his head. “Ahhhh! An unclean one touched me!” the boy cried. “We need to go and be cleansed!” another one of the kids said. Grell chased them as they ran away crying. Then, a woman entered the room. Grell stopped and noticed her. “I'm sorry about that.” she said, “After a certain age, everybody is considered unclean.” She looks over at Ciel, Shana and Sebastian. “I see from your clothing. . . you're a new convant?” the young woman asked, “Don't worry, if you study the teachings of our leader, then you too will be cleansed.” Ciel took her words as offensive remarks towards him. “What? How dare you!” he exclaimed. “Unclean? What a bizzare thing to say.” Sebastian said as he began to approach the woman, “I can't believe a lady as beautiful as you is impure.” The young lady blushed when Sebastian walked right up to her. “We really don't know anything about the religion you practice yet.” Sebastian told her, “Perhaps you would be so kind to tell us a bit more about yourself. “Yes. . . but then. . . what are you doing here . . .? the young lady asked shyly. Sebastian slammed his hand against the wall. “There was a bug.” he whispered in the young lady's ear. He blew the bug off like he would blow a kiss. “Now you'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you?” he asked. The young lady was shyly standing there. Next thing she knew, she found herself “having sex with Sebastian” in a shed. Grell was having a jealous fit outside the shed. Ciel and Shana were also standing outside the shed. “I've never known him to use this approach before.” Ciel said. “That's it! I'm going to put this witch on the To-Die list! She's done!” Grell yelled. “Calm down.” Ciel said. “It's not really that serious.” Shana added. “Oh! I can see them! I can see the gates of heaven now!!” the young lady moaned. “I doubt that, something's fishy in here.” Sebastian said. Shortlty afterwards, the young lady went to explain to him and the others about the Doomsday Books. “The Doomsday Books of those who live a long life are impure.” she said, “Our great leader is trying to cleanse the impure passages and make them clean again, but that isn't all. Apparently, the Doomsday Books contain more than just our past, our futures are there as well. Can you believe that?” “The future? Interesting, you don't say. . .” Sebastian said. “It's true, but only the chosen children of the Heavenly Choir are eligible to hear the words of the future written in the books.” the young lady replied. “So, what is this Heavenly Choir? Do they sing hyms or something?” Shana asked. “Well, I'm not sure.” the young lady replied, “Singing might not be the right word exactly. But I hear beautiful sounds. They come from our leader's bedroom.” Outside the church, Ciel, Shana and Sebastian were discussing more about the Heavenly Choir. “If only boys are chosen for this Heavenly Choir. . .” Sebastian said. “That means you're the only one that can get us close to this priest.” Shana said. “Rubbish!” Grell exclaimed out of the blue. Ciel, Shana and Sebastian looked over at Grell and saw him wearing a boy's outfit for the abbey. “Just look at this outfit, they'll let me in to the choir for sure!” he exclaimed. The clothes were clearly tight on him as the shirt revealed his belly and the shorts were super short. Ciel, Shana and Sebastian looked at him like WTF. “Well boys, how do I look?~” Grell asked in a seductive tone. Standing next to him was a crying little boy wearing only underwear. “Waahhh! He's making me impure!” the boy cried. “I hate this guy.” Ciel said. “So do I.” Shana replied. Just then, some soft singing was spreading through the air. “The time has come now for the cleansing ceremony!” The little boy exclaimed. “Cleansing, eh?” Grell asked. “I was right, something here does smell. . .” Sebastian said. “I can sense something too.” Shana replied,
“Alastor?” “Yes, I am sensing it.” Alastor said. “And what is it?” Ciel asked them. “Nothing sir,” Sebastian replied, “nothing more than a rotten apple. Dead fruit from a fallen tree.” “Yeah, that's it. Don't worry.” Shana replied. She, Ciel, Sebastian and Grell went inside the church to attend the cleansing ceremony. As the music played and the soft singers sang, the priest walked up to the podium to announce the cleansing. “Tonight, the unclean will be made pure again. It is time for the cleansing.” the priest said. A naked man and a naked woman appeared before the priest up on stage. The priest was handed to him the Doomsday Books that looked like the cinematic records. “I suppose those books are cinematic records.” Sebastian said. Grell was clinging on to him. “I'm too far away to tell.” he replied. Ciel, Shana, Sebastian and Grell were sitting at the very back row seat in the church. “I shall read the doomsday books of these impure lost children.” The priest announced, “First, Jill Feasant, the second child of a father, she concived a child in sin. Then we have Thomas Atkins. He has comitted no evil sins per-se, but he has spent his life meaninglessly, and that is a grave sin to us.” Something black started to come out of their bodies and they were yelling in pain. Then a light flashed through one of the windows, revealing the pasts of Jill and Thomas. “Snuff out the unclean. And the unwanted. And the unnecessary. Snuff them out! ALL OF THEM!!!” th priest yelled. The glass showing the pasts of Jill and Thomas broke, and they screamed in pain as they were being cleansed of their sins. “And now, despite what they have done, these people are no longer unclean.” the priest said, “Our brother and our sister, now as pure as snow.” Jill and Thomas covered up their naked bodies and left the stage. After the ceremony ended. Ciel, Shana, Sebastian and Grell stook around for a while longer. “Something's wrong here.” Grell said, “Those books that the preist had. They were definetely not cinematic records.” “They weren't? Does that mean he doesn't have the power to see the past or the future?” Ciel asked. “Oh! You're still here! I'm so excited!” A woman came out of nowhere and said, “The heavens have truly smiled upon you today!” Ciel looked over at the women. He must have been chosen to be in the heavenly choir. They tried to undress him, but Ciel resisted. “Stop it! I can do it myself, Okay?!” Ciel yelled. “Nonsense, you've been chosen to be in the heavenly choir so we must cleanse you from head to toe!” one of the women said. “Oh my! What amazing skin you have!” the other woman said as she rubbed her face against Ciel's arm. “DON'T TOUCH ME!!” Ciel yelled. “You don't need to worry. We can touch you, we've already been cleansed.” one of the women said. “That isn't my issue!” Ciel yelled. Then Shana came in. “Back off!” She exclaimed. She walked over to Ciel and grabbed his arm, then put her arms around him. Ciel blushed. “I'll take care of it.” “No you can't, you're still unclean, you can't help here.” one of the women said. “Well he's my boyfriend, and only I can touch him and no one else.” Shana said, “So you better back off and let me handle it.” “Okay fine you win! Take him!” the other woman said. Then they left. “What was that for Shana?! I'm not your boyfriend!” Ciel yelled Shana as he broke out of her grip. “Of course not! I just needed to get those women away from you since they were giving you a hard time.” Shana said, “Not only that, but I could use a nice bath too.” “Hmm. . . makes sense.” Ciel replied. While in the bathtub, Ciel and Shana were discussing about the priest. “That voice of the priest. . . I've heard it before. . .” Shana said. “What about it?” Ciel asked. “It sounded like the denizen that I encountered back in Misaki City and sent me to this place and time period.” Shana replied. “You're talking about Drac?” Ciel asked. “Yes, him. And when we went to that tower to save your fiancee, that voice that was calling you unclean, unnecessary, and unwanted also sounded like him.” Shana said. “Unclean. . . that's what that puppet said to me as well.” Ciel said. “Well, the person controlling the puppet at least. But more to the point, are you telling me that Drac could be the one behind all of this?” “I don't know for sure, but chances are he is.” “Well if he is, I also have this mark.” Ciel said. He was talking about the mark that he has on his left side near his chest. “It's the only piece of evidence that I have that he might have also been behind the killing of my parents.” He added. “And if Drac is. . .” Shana began to say, then realizing what Ciel had told her before about the contract with Sebastian. “Wait, does that mean that. . . ?!” She says while turning to face Ciel and turning him around so he could face her. “Yes, I will drag this denizen down to suffer in this hell with me. At least that's my plan.” Ciel said with a smirk on his face, “And once that is accomplished. . . Well, you know what happens next.” Shana then began to worry about Ciel. More importantly, she was also thinking about if she would ever go back to her time period. After the bath, Ciel went to attend the Heavenly Choir. He approached before the priest. “You look very clean, Ciel.” the priest said, “Very good. Come this way.” Ciel walked up on the stage and went to the podium. “Thank you for choosing me, I understand it's quite an honor.” The priest then put his right hand on Ciel's shoulder. “Very good, and now there is something I would like to read to you.” he said. “May I ask you. . . what is a Doomsday Book, really?” Ciel asked. “For our purposes, it is a story I'll read you for as long as you want.” the priest replied, “Tonight's a treat, isn't it?” Ciel was surprised to hear those words come out of the priest's mouth. It was the same words his mother told him the night she was murdered. The priest moved his hand up to his forehead. “Time to snuff you out.” he said to Ciel, “You are unclean, unnecessary, and unwanted.” He then began to strangle him. “SEBASTIAN THIS IS AN ORDER!! KILL THIS MAN!!!” Ciel screamed. “Yes, my young lord.” Sebastian's voice said. He then crashed through the window with Grell and Shana. Sebastian picked up a piece of the broken glass and through it towards the priest. It missed, but tore off the hood from the priest's gown, revealing the priest to be a man with long black hair. That man looked like Drac, the denizen Shana encountered in Misaki City. “Drac!” Shana exclaimed “I thought it was you! And I was right!” Alastor exclaimed. “So this was the crimson denizen you were talking about. . .” Sebastian said to Shana. “Uh, Bassy, Shana. What the hell is a crimson denizen?” Grell asked Sebastian and Shana. The man grabbed Ciel and jumped up. “Ciel!” Shana exclaimed. “Master!” Sebastian exclaimed. The man pulled out a book that was an actual cinematic record. “Oh look! That's a real cinematic record over there!” Grell said, pointing to the book. Then these film strips began flying out to the book and wrapped around Sebastian and Shana. “What are these?! Film strips or something?!” Shana asked. “Do something, Grell! Use your death scythe!” Sebastian exclaimed. “Give me a second, okay? I'm working on it!” Grell whined. Shana and Sebastian looked over at Grell and saw that he was using two small scissors. “Figures. He's using little scissors.” Shana said. “What are those sad things?” Sebastian said. “Well what do you want me to do? Will just took away my other death scythe away from me!” Grell whined. “I will show all of it to you, all the light and darkness, every moment in your past.” Ciel was yelling for help. “Ciel!!!” Shana shouted. “Master!!!” Sebastian shouted. Grell was finally able to cut the film strips and free Sebastian and Shana. “I cut it!~” Grell exclaimed. “Let's go!” Shana said as she began to fly into a portal with Sebastian and Grell to follow the man who looked like Drac and save Ciel.

Crimson Butler: Kuroshitsuji/Shakugan No Shana Fanfic (Vol. 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora