I enlarged it and dropped the silver drops into the basin.It swirled and I closed my eyes before emerging my face into the substance.

The scene made shape.Three kids.Two girls. One a boy.Mum,Lily Potter and Sev.They laughed.Sev stared at Lily longingly.Mum jabbed him with her elbow.They were probably ten.

"I have to go home.It's Tuney's birthday!"Lily exclaimed.She hugged my mum and kissed Sev's cheek.He blushed.They walked off.

"You ready tomato?"my mum teased.Sev glared at her from under his hair.

"Shut up and go snog that muggle from around the corner"He snapped with a cruel smirk.Mum looked at him in disgust.

"Yuck.Snog.I'm only ten!"She exclaimed."And don't tell anyone that I like him"she added,black flames dancing on her fingertips.

"Unfair!Why can't I do that?"he exclaimed childishly.

The scene changed.They didn't look any older. This time Sev and mum were accompanied by two adults.My grandparents.My grandmother was beautiful.She had the regal pureblood look to her.I realised that I had that look too.She had light brown hair and dark piercing eyes grandfather was ugly.His black hair was oily.His eyes were bloodshot.I wanted to hit him for what he did to Sev and my Mum.But he was a memory.I was real.

"I don't want to be separated from Severus!"my mum protested.Her eyes were narrowed at her father.I shuddered.In six years,she would kill him.

"You're lucky,I'm letting you go you ungrateful little-"Tobias Snape snapped but Sev cut him off.

"I'll go to Beauxbatons with her!She doesn't have to go to Hogwarts.Please Mum!"he begged.I never realised they were so close.

"Go to the ponce school?No!She will learn her place and you shall learn yours.Now leave"

He shouted.

"But-"my mum started to protest but she was silenced by a slap.Her hand instinctually rose to her cheek.Fire blazed in her hand.A wind slammed the door.The house shook.She hissed in a language I didn't understand.Parseltongue.

"Severa"Eileen Snape hissed.The house stopped shaking,the wind stopped,the fire disappeared.

"One day.She will not protect you.I will kill you.And you will look at me while the life leaves your eyes and you will think back to this day.And think that you should have listened"She hissed.He merely laughed.He should have listened.

The memory changed again.Mum looked older. My age.Sev's face was flushed.Dad stood beside Mum,his hand in hers.

"I can't believe you!How could you betray me like this!You hated him!And now you love him?BULLSHIT SEVERA!YOU ARE DOING THIS TO GET BACK AT ME!"he shouted.My Mum looked at him calmly.

"I have no reason to get back at you.I know this is hard,Severus.I do get that.But we are family. Family sticks together.We have been through so much together"she said.A cruel made its way onto Sev's face.

"Oh really?Does he know about our darling father?About what you did to him?"He asked. Her eyes narrowed slightly as dad looked at her

confused."And did you tell him what you are?Purebloods find it hard to accept monsters like you"

Mum paled.Dad looked at her and then Sev.Her then Sev.

"She's not the monster Snivels.You are!"he screamed,his fists clenched.Mum put her hand on his shoulder and he tensed.

"He's right Sirius.I am a monster"She said softly.

"W-what?Don't listen to him?"he stuttered.My mum merely lit her fingertip on fire,the flame jumping across her body.

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum