Chapter 12

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(Y/n's POV)

"And?...what did you tell him?"Mario said while walking closer to me.

"I told him yes"

Once I told Mario what my answer was his eyes widened and begin walking away.


"Because Mario it's none of your business."I say as I walk away from him, while holding my backpack

"Apparently everything that your dealing with is none of my business.Why can't you tell me why you said yes to Colin instead of no?

"I can't deal with this right now I have to go"

We both stare into each others eyes for 2 mins with full silence.

"I thought you were smarter than this y/n" he said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry" I turn around and began to walk out of the school building.I see Andrea sitting by the benches.

I tried to ignore her and keep walking but unfortunately she saw me.

"Hey y/n I heard the little fight between you and Mario, bad choice man."

I rolled my eyes and began walking to my house.

(Mario's POV)

I was honestly confused on why y/n said yes to Colin instead of no.Maybe there was a deal going on or maybe she actually forgave him.

But after I left school, I decided to go to my buddy Dominics house.He was planning on throwing a party right after the football game.But I wasn't so sure if y/n was gonna go.

I felt like y/n was lying to me about something, but I can't tell cause "it's none of my business".

"Hey bro are you ok?" Says Dominic while passing me the bowl of chips

"Uh..yea..I'm just really excited for this party man it's gonna be lit!"even though I was thinking about y/n.

Mario: hey
Mario:can we talk?
y/n:now isn't a good time
Mario:why not?
y/n:it's none of your business Mario!
Mario:oh so your with colin?
y/n: no I'm not

Yeah it seems like I was being a jerk to her but this whole "it's none of your business" is driving me a little bit crazy.

Dominic wanted to go to a bowling alley just to hangout with the guys before our game tonight.And as usual I would pay cause why not.When we arrived to the bowling alley I parked next to a car that looked just like y/n's.

"Yo Mario isn't that y/n's car?"questioned Dominic

"I actually don't know"

My buddies and I walked in the bowling alley and we took our shoes and began bowling.I made an excuse to use the restroom but really I was looking for y/n.I don't know if it was her car or not but I have a feeling that it is.

Usually me and y/n don't go bowling , cause we don't hangout as much. I called y/n to see if she was actually here.

(Mario to y/n)

Mario: hey y/n umm where are you?
Y/n: with Colin why?
Mario: ok but where with colin?
Y/n: actually he said he needed to pick up some few things.
Mario:well..why is your car at the bowling alley?
Y/n:I don't understand
Mario:y/n your car is at the bowling alley!!
Y/n: listen Mario I have to go bye.

"Hey bro we gotta go!" Said Dominic

"I'm coming!!"

I took off my shoes and decided to get a drink of water.I walked by the water fountain and heard something strange. Obviously there was a office right next to the men's bathroom.

I peeked inside and I couldn't believe my eyes.I stormed into the room and saw Andrea and Colin making out.


It was complete silence.

Y'all would do you think is gonna happen next. Also I wanted to say thank you guys for 5k reads!!! Ily❤

UNCONSCIOUS LOVE//Mario SelmanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon