Chapter 2

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"Umm who are you?"

"I'm Y/N, I noticed that your having problems with your car, I can give you a ride if you want?"

I would've told Mario that I was one of his supporters but he would've been in a worse mood knowing that I know where he lives.


"Umm actually yeah, i'm late to school,and coach would be really mad at me if I don't show up early." said Mario with his hand behind his neck.

As he followed me to my car i get a message from my friend Andrea.

Andrea:Y/N I have some AMAZING news

Y/n:What is it??

Andrea:Im moving to Florida WITH YOU!!!


Andrea:Since we're going to the same schools.Maybe you can give me a ride to celebrate our first day of junior highschool.

Y/n:Okay im gonna pick you up in 10 minutes see ya there!!
* * *

Andrea: Where are you I thought that you said you were going to pick me up?

Y/n:OMG I totally forgot I'm so sorry maybe tomorrow!!

Andrea: whatever

I totally forgot that I had to drive Andrea to school but that doesn't matter right now,Mario Selman is sitting in my passenger seat.Which is something that doesnt happen to supporter.

"Thank you so much for giving me a ride to school, my coach would have been so madd at me if I didn't show up at practice early.I have a big game on Friday. Would you like to come to my game on Friday,I mean after all you did save my butt from being late."Mario said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sure, I mean I don't have any plans!"

"So, not to sound like a creep or anything but what school do you go to?"

"South Beach High School, why?"

"Well i am giving you a ride to school ,dont you think i should what place im taking you at?"

"Yeah, sorry im just in a really bad mood first my car,then the game on Friday,now i have to set up my little sisters birthday party ughh!!"said Mario with a worried face.

It took 10 minutes for Mario and I to arrive at school.We were laughing and getting to know eachother.Even though he managed to keep a smile on his face.

"Okay,then i will see you around school, dont forget that my game is tomorrow.I really want you to be there!!"Mario said as we were walking into school.

"Dont worry i wont forget, BYE!!"

As i was walking to my locker, Andrea was leaning against my locker with her arms crossed.

"I thought you said that you had plans ,I just saw you walk into school with that boy!!"

"I did have plans, it was to take this boy to school.He needed a ride."

The look on Andrea face looked like somebody got her chiptole order mixed up.Thats how bad it was.
As i saw Mario by his locker with his friends. I decided to go up to him and tell him hi, but the look that he gave me was an unexpected. He gave me a face like he didn't even know who I was.

"Hey,Mario how was your day been?"

"Ew omg why are you talking to me?Who are you?"Mario with a confused voice.

"Umm what do you mean who are you?I gave you a ride to school today remember me,Y/n?"

"Ew omg look at whats she wearing!!" One of Marios friend said while laughing.

I literally feel like crying after what Mario said.It felt like he didn't know me at all but really we were talking and laughing 10 minutes ago.

UNCONSCIOUS LOVE//Mario Selmanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن