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(Weird magical creatures that for some reason protect the signs 🤗 I might be doing drawings for these and all of these ideas are mine sorry about the cheesy names 😅😅🤗)

Aries is protected by the fire wielder. A massively sized man standing nearly 7 feet tall, with giant golden ram horns spiraling from his head. He is bulked with thick corded muscle and massive surprising agile hands. His skin is a mixture of a blood red color and sunburnt orange. His eyes resemble that of a goats, deep Amber with a black slit pupil. His golden veins run with liquid fire and when his muscle can't pull him through he'll use that heat to burn any obstacle in his path.

Taurus is protected by the earth King. Like the fire wielder he is impressively tall but only when he wants too. He can shrink to the size of an average man to as tall as 10 feet. His muscle corded body is the color of fresh soil and his eyes are forest green. He has massive obsidian hooves for feet that are never heard when they touch the earth and his bull horns are made of dark bronze. As a weapon he wields a massive hammer crafted from the metals from the core of the earth. It is said the hammer can control gravity.

Gemini is protected by the reflector. An elite mischievous creature with silver skin and hair. He is seen only when you least expect him and by then it is usually too late. His eyes are blue with no pupil of white to them and he is smaller and less muscular than most protectors but should never be underestimated. If needed the reflector can multiply to over a million copies and can do so in a few seconds. The copies can neither be killed or destroyed so to destroy the reflector one must find the original. Which is literally one in a million.   

Cancer is protected by the tide bringer. A smaller creature with deep red hair and ocean blue eyes. His back is protected by a hard red shell that is impenetrable by any material on earth and he is able to hold his breath for up to 4 hours. He hides under the waves to sleep during the day and is active at night. When fighting he brings the tide to every battle and can wield the waves to harness them into a lethal scythe to cut down his enemies.

Leo is protected by the sun god. A man with a lion's head and a glowing crown crafted of golden sun rays. He has golden skin a rich red mane that is known to flow more majestically then other hair dos in the wind. He usually adorns himself with smoldering jewelry crafted in the hearth of the sun and carries a scepter of gold that can control and wield the light and heat of the sun. Like the earth King he can change his size to fit whatever is most appropriate at that moment in time. When angered though he may grow to over 30 feet and burn anyone who dares defy him.

Virgo is protected by the night hunter. Like the tide bringer he is active only at night and unlike other protectors he was once human. He is almost completely bone from his skeletal rib cage and his bony arms and legs. He wears black jeans like he had before he was changed and a mask made of bone with only a nose and eye holes, to hide his human face. He wears silver armor on his upper arms and he can see perfectly even in the deepest dark. He is seen only when he wants to and he wields a massive blade crafted of cold night air.

Libra is protected by the sorcerer. With raven black hair and eyes he is elegant but powerful. Slender and smooth he can be mistaken for human if his eyes didn't look like black stones in his perfect pale face. He clothes himself in many items to hide himself in the human world and is one of the few that can easily move between worlds like the night hunter. He never sleeps making him a good guardian. He wields many different types of magic which he can summon from different magical worlds to aid him.

Scorpio is protected by the shadow bringer. He has a heart made of ice and stone so that he does no bear the pain of the past and he can be free to kill. He is tall with slim lean muscle made and build for lethal silent grace and he is known to turn invisible. He has a graceful beady black scorpion tail that arches from his back and miraculously never gets in his way or hits branches to reveal his position. He has black hair and black insects like eyes (4 of them in all) and white fangs that he can drive into his pray. His bite and sting are loaded with a deadly poison.

Sagittarius is protected by the archer. A dark green haired creature with bigger upper body muscles from constant use of a bow. He has silver skin and three eyes that can look in directions independently of each other so he can easily hit his target. The third eye is said to be able to see in the future. His bow can shoot arrows made of fire, ice or steel and has a sharp edge so it can be used to cut through materials. The string is made of a harsh material that will cut the flesh of any hand that isn't the owner of the bow. When the hunter shoots an arrow he never misses.

Capricorn is protected by the sea goat. (I don't know I'm sorry I'm running outa ideas I'll change it some time) A graceful ocean creature that can breath through both lungs and gills. He has long spiraled silver horns that curl gently like a shell and he has large docile blue eyes and a serene face that can be misleading. The sea goat can hypnotized victims and can even exercise its ability to control and read minds. Although he is not the strongest physically his ability to control his opponents can give him a huge advantage.

Aquarius is protected by the Angel. A beautiful winged creature that hardly ever touches the earth and likes to keep his head high above the clouds. He can control dreams and watches over those who are dreaming high in the sky. He defends them from darker thoughts using a long silver colored blade made of a child's dreams so that it can cut through those who despise them. He is tall and elegantly muscled with white blond hair and gold wings. His maroon eyes are blind to the real world but he can see dreams and understand them so that he can grant them.

Pisces is protected by the (I got nuffin) he lives at the bottom of the ocean where he sleeps and comes out only in times of need. He has pale pink hair with gold eyes and pale skin from lack of sunlight spending so much time in the ocean's dark waters. He has a long elegant indigo colored tail that is incredibly powerful and allows him to be the fastest creature in the sea. If needed he can grant himself legs but he can never be as graceful on land as he can be in the water despite all of his magic and power, he is nearly powerless on land.

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