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Aries-acts brave is actually terrified.
Taurus-is afraid of thunderstorms hides under the covers of the bed with comfort food.
Gemini-gets upset when the power goes out in the middle of their game/tv show
Cancer-makes hot chocolate for everyone
Leo-dances in the rain gets struck by lightning.
Virgo-is watching the rain and lighting peacefully until Taurus hides under the covers of their bed. Ends up calling the ambulance for Leo.
Libra-enjoys romantic candle light activities
Scorpio-becomes the darkness
Sagittarius-Burns his finger trying to light a candle. Sets fire to his clothes. Gets sprayed in the face with the fire extinguisher by Libra.
Capricorn-tries to sleep but the thunder keeps waking them.
Aquarius-has a portable charger so is fine. Has a full battery for their flash light too.
Pisces-slept through it.

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