Chapter 1

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Sunset is just beginning to glow onto the clear blue sky. The parking lot of this church is nearly vacant except for around ten cars. We stay in the back of the parking lot, near the forest, where the branches are thickly woven and you can't see beyond four feet.

"Hey, hit me up," I yell to Jaden as he rolls into the lot on his penny board. He pulls a long can out of the white plastic bag he's holding and tosses it to me. I catch it effortlessly and crack it open. "Thanks," I say before taking a sip of the bitter tea.

"Hey Sam, you know how you like really disturbing movies for some odd reason?" Jaden sits next to me on the curb and lights a cigarette.

"Yeah, what about it?" He passes me the cigarette and I take a hit then pass it back to him.

"The youth group is in there, watching a movie like that. Human Centipede, I think?"

"Dude, what the fuck!" I shout from excitement and hit his arm.

"Christ, Sam, chill out!"

"No. I love that movie. I'm going to watch it, and you guys don't have to come with me, but I'm going." I pick up my board and walk away, taking a long sip from my tea and giving them the finger.

Suddenly Chase is at my side, panting from the run to catch up with me. "I'm coming with you."

"Sweet." He turns around and waves goodbye to Jaden, Kate, and Clarissa. "Why do you think a church youth group is watching Human Centipede anyways?"

"I don't know. Church people are fucked up." I smile at the irony.

When we sneak into the back of the room I realize that the movie is almost over. "Damn it," I hiss as we lower ourselves to the floor. A guy with his hair pushed up turns around and looks at me. I expect his expression to read something along the lines of "shut the fuck up, we're trying to watch a movie here," but it doesn't read anything. He just looks at me. Our eyes lock for a few seconds and I narrow my eyes, which causes him to turn around.

I lay on my stomach and Chase smacks my butt playfully.

"Dude, fuck you," I whisper and we both chuckle. He continues to mess with me by crawling on top of me and sitting on my back until the end of the movie.

When it's over, the lights are turned back on and everyone groans from the sudden brightness. A man, I'm assuming the leader person thing of the youth group, stands at the front of the room and makes announcements to the teens as they grab their things.

"Next week's movie is going to be The Ring. I hope to see you all here on Tuesday night for our meeting, we will be discussing giving back to The Lord. Have a good night." He smiles at everyone but doesn't manage to see Chase and me. We get up and start to leave when the guy from earlier stops us.

"Hello," he says, staring at us awkwardly.

"Um, hi." After a long pause, I ask, "If you guys are a religious group or whatever, then why do you watch these creepy movies? Don't you think they're like, satanic or something?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "Just because we worship God doesn't mean we hate everything that doesn't relate to the church. You know that guy who did those awful things in The Human Centipede? There are real people like that out in this world whose thoughts are consumed by such disturbing things."

I look at Chase and smile, raising my eyebrows excitedly. He stifles a giggle as he buries his face into his hands.

"I'm Jack, by the way." He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"I'm Samantha." Chase is practically howling at this point due to the fact that I never call myself Samantha. "And that's Chase. He's retarded." Chase falls to the floor and doubles over from uncontrollable laughter.

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