Going home and sick

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It's been a year since you left and you always texted Mitch, Jerome, and Lachlan. You was so happy that you decided to go home. Preston however didn't want to see you but you didn't care. You could use this opportunity to use for your revenge. He had hurt you so badly. On the way back to Texas to live with the pack again. You seen a certain someone getting off the plane. You walked up to him and he hugged you. It was your old friend Axel. Axel said" (Y/N) is it really you?" I nodded and said" Yes. It's me Axel. What are you doing here?" He sighed and said" I'm visiting the sidemen. What are you doing here?" I looked down and said" I was living with the sidemen while I got  over a break up. I was dating a pack member. My brother is Mitch."  Axel said" You should get on your plane than. Hold on. Where do you live?"   Said" I live with the pack and I'm even in the pack.  We live in Texas." What you didn't know was that Axel was stalking you because he had an obsessive side for you and he adore you. Weird I know but he loved you. Axel said" Sorry to hear about the break up but get on your plane." I nodded and said" Thanks Axel. Bye. Axel said his goodbye and you ran to your plane. You sat down next to this guy and he looked at you. You sighed and pulled out your phone. You texted Jerome and Mitch saying you was in the plane.

( M:Mitch J:Jerome Y:you)

Y: Hey guys. I'm on my way home.

M: Good. We are on our way to pick you up. Lachlan is happy that your coming home.

J: Yeah. We missed you and even though we are friends we love you. Your amazing.

Y: There is some guy staring at me and I don't know him. Guys call me and help me out of this. Jerome can you act as my boyfriend? Mitch can he!? I want him to stop.

J: Yeah

M: Fine. Jerome call her.

Jerome called me and I answers and said" Hey babe. Yeah. Okay. Can't wait. Listen I have to go the plane is about to take off. Yeah. Love you too bye." You ended the call and texted them.

Y: Thanks guys. He isn't looking anymore.

M: Sis. Get off the phone now. I know who he is."

Y: Okay bye guys.

M: Bye

J: Bye

When you shut off your phone the guy said" who was that?" I sighed and said" my brother and boyfriend." He nodded and smirked. He pulled you closer to him and tried to kiss you when somebody hit him over the head. You looked to see it was Jack. He pulled you up and sat in your seat while you satin he next one. Jack said" Was that really your boyfriend and brother?" You shook your head and said" Brother and friend. I planned it. Mitch knows him but I don't. Vikk was dioceses to be with me. He didn't get to come though. Family emergency before I left. I walked into the living room to see Preston kissing this other girl but he told me he loved me and he missed me and I'm like you cheated. Doesn't change my opinion about me not comin back to you." Jack laughed and said" Anyway did your brother say you could?"  I shook my head and said" Nope. He has to meet you first." Jack nodded and said" You wanna sleep again?" I nodded and he said" I'll wake you up when we arrive okay?" I nodded and fell asleep. When I awoke it was an hour before we land and Jack was asleep. The guy that tried to kiss me was awake. He said" Sorry about that. Are you Mitch's sister?" I shook my head and said" No."  He nodded and said" I thought you was." Jack woke up and said" When did you wake up?" I smiled and said" Jack. I just woke up a minute ago." He nodded and said" Bey. Can we have our phones out now?" I nodded and I pulled out my phone and began textin the guys. When I was done texting I got off the plane and Jack followed me. When we got our luggage and stuff. I was engulfed in a hug by the pack. Mitch said" My precious sister has returned. Did you have fun?" I nodded and said" Yeah." I took some gifts for them out of my luggage and they went wide eyed. Preston looked at me and said" Hey." I nodded and said" Hey." My voice cracked a little. Jack hugged me from behind and said" Calm down. It's okay." I gave him a death glare and Mitch said" Back off of my sister." Jack lay go of me and Preston said" Your dating him?" I shook my head and said" Mitch this so Jack. The person I said I was letting come with me." Mitch and the others nodded. Jack said" Uour an amazing girl to have so many caring friends (Y/N). Anyway. I can't let my girlfriend know where I am because I told her I was visiting a friend that is a guy. She sees me with a girl she will know I am lying about not becoming friends with girls." I looked at Jack and said" You should always tell your lover who you love and who your friends with." Jack sighed and said" Your right. Listen I hope you can make it to Ireland. I booked a hotel for you guys." I looked at Jack and said" Jack. You didn't have to do that and remember I'm spending the time at your place with one of the other pack members." Mitch said" I'll do it. I have to protect my lil sister." I said" Where is Robadobflob?" Rob stepped up and said" Surprise. Miss me?" I said" No. I didn't miss you. I just wanted to do this." I playfully punched him and he whined and said" That hurt." I laughed and Jack muttered" So cute."
I looked at him and said" What was that Jack!?" He looked at me and said" Nothing." I nodded and Mitch looked at me and said" Your lying Jack." Jack said" I have to call Mark. He is visiting me next week I think." I walked away and went to the bathroom. When I went in there I puked. I want feeling well. I held my stomach and just puked. When I was done I washed my face and went back. Mitch seen me first and said" Sis. Your pale. What's wrong?" I shook my head and said" Nothing. I have to go somewhere  later and I'm not telling you guys where Or what happened." Mitch said" I will take you to the hospital." I said" No you won't."  He smirked and picked me up. He put me in the back of the car and had Jerome and Lachlan hold me in place. Jerome looked worried and so did Lachlan. I sighed and said" Guys. I'm sick. I was going to the doctors office and then I was going to visit somebody that..." I couldn't finish the sentence. I groaned and held my stomach from the pain. Mitch picked me up again and ran into the hospital. He said" Can somebody help my sister?!!" I was taken away.

Jerome's POV

I looked at Mitch and said" Mitch what is wrong?" He had her phone. He held up this guy named Axel.

How long have you loved me? A Jerome X reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora