A Ride to Remember

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The story continues-

"Hello my name is Hermione Granger."

"Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy."

"Do you mind if i sit with you?" Hermione asked. Draco looked around and looked back at Hermione.

"No i don't mind..." he replyed unsure.

A few minutes went by with an uncomfortable silence.

"Sooo where are you going?" Draco asked.

"Oh... I got accepted to the best school in America and it starts in 4 days."

"School? In the summer? You must be bonkers."

"How about you?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going to my beach house in Florida. You know, to have some real fun with my bestfriend Blaise."
"Haha very funny. I know how to have fun." Hermione retaliated.

"I'm sure you do."

The two joked and got to know each other. As time went by Hermione started to notice how cute Draco really was. She didn't know but she was falling in love with this platinum haired boy.

"Draco you are really fun to talk to." Draco blushed and looked away.

"Awww you're even cuter when you blush." Hermione's hand flew to her mouth. She hadn't ment to say that out loud.

"Y...you think I'm cute?" Draco asked

"W..w.what? Y.. you? N...n..no, I was talking to the... Uh... chair." Hermione stuttered, as she started to turn into a tomato.


"I...i think your cute too" Draco said almost in a whisper.

Hermione's heart was beating out of her chest. She looked at him and he gave her an adorable, dimpled smile. That was all she needed to fall, head first in love.
She returned the smile, happy to know that he felt the same way.

They kept each other company and busy. They were only in hour 3 of 5 on their flight. All of a sudden Hermione came up with an idea.

"Let's play Truth or Dare."

"What is Truth or Dare?" Draco asked

"You've never played Truth or Dare?"
Draco shook his head no. Hermione thought that was weird. She had never met anyone who has never played Truth OR Dare. She explained the rules of the game.

"Oooh, ok i get it." Draco said.

"I'll go first. Truth or Dare?" Hermione asked.

"Dare beacuse I'm a man." Hermione giggled.

"Alright 'man' i dare you to smack the back of that guys neck."

Draco looked at the man sleeping two rows ahead of them. Draco got up and snuck up on the man. He looked at Hermione and gave her a thumbs up. He then quickly swatted the man's exposed neck and ran back to his seat.

The man woke up and grabbed his neck wondering what the hell just happened. He would have never suspected the two kids in the back giggling their butts off.

"Did you see his face? That was hilarious." Hermione said in between giggles.

"Ok my turn." Draco said. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Hermione said.

"Oh, come on. I had to do a dare. You should too."

"Nope. I'm not as stupid as you, i want Truth.

"Okay than. You are going to have to answer it right?"

"Yes, Draco no matter what you ask i must answer."

"Have you ever kissed a boy on the mouth?" Draco asked

Hermione looked at him wide eyed.
"I choose Dare."Hermione said.

"Nope you have to answer it."

"I change my mind and i chose Dare."

"I dare you to answer the truth."

A blush crept onto Hermione's cheeks.
"No." she answered.

" My turn." she quickly said. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Draco said

"Have you ever kissed a girl on the mouth?" she asked hoping his answer would be no.

"Me? Of course i have, actually manyyy times and with manyyy girls." Draco said .

Hermione felt like her heart broke just a little bit. But just like it broke it fixed it's self when draco said,

"No, I'm just messing with you."
She smiled at him.

"Ok, my turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Hermione said. She learned her lesson with choosing truth.
Draco smirked at her and said

"I dare you to kiss me."

Hermione looked at him as if he grew another head.


"I said... I dare you to kiss me." he repeated.

Hermione blushed, but without her knowledge, began to lean in. By the time she realized what she was doing, there was no space left between them. She felt draco lean in and their lips connected. What felt like forever was only a few seconds. They pulled away and just looked at each other. They smiled. "I think that's enough playing for one day." Hermione said while blushing.

"....Was... Was i good?" Draco asked blushing.

".... Yeah." Hermione said going a deep red.
Draco smirked. "Well you weren't bad either."

The two stayed in a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip. The plane landed and the two had to go their own paths, but they promised not to forget each other. Hermione thought to herself *Now that was a ride to Remember*.

Aww you guys. They like each other, that so cute. The question of today is: When did you have your first kiss? I will also explain why Mr.Malfoy is riding in an airplane instead of flooing, in another chapter. Keep reading to find out.

HP~ HERMIONE'S BEGINNINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon