(( A/N - Levi is taller. But Erens still the same height.
(January 3rd, 2020 — yea.. were keeping levi short, were not losing that dynamic.))

Levi sat there for how long, waiting for the brunette to show themself. Finally they did, dressed in loose reflective clothing shimmering from the Clubs lights.

Many had turn their heads, curious enough to look away from the topless woman dancing fearlessly.

Levi lowered his head, resting his chin atop his knuckles. Bravely keeping his gaze on the brunette. He'd chuckle under his breathe, watching the dancer approach the man behind the bar. Discussing whatever made them both smile and laugh for. For a minute longer, Levi had to bare the continuous banter, but the pucker of the dancers ass made up for it.

The brunette stalked off with a silver tray at hand, and a couple of drinks, the bartender had carefully placed atop the trap.
With refined movement, the dancer briefly waved the bartender before approaching seated customers for a drink.

Levi had sighed comfortably into the seat, looking up at the stage until the Burnette has strode in front of him casually with, "sir, care for a drink?" Levi looked up, finally taking in the boy before him. By then, he was awestruck by his beauty.

The boys hair was flawlessly parted, and draped carefully across his cheek bones, that defiantly popped from small contour.
With delicate care, the boy brushed his fingertips at the ends of hairs' as he turned his head with question.

Levi trailed his eyes down the boy's body, not minding the smug smirk creeping its way across the boy's face.

He'd absorb every curve, and hadn't spot a single flaw in the boy's presence. Levi Leant forward and tenderly pressed his calloused fingertips on his delicate waist before gently grazing his palm towards the small of his back.

The boy slowly placed the tray atop the counter, and with the purse of his lips, shielded the amusement Bubbling in the back of his throat.

Levi painfully, and slowly pulled the boy into his lap. Watching as the boys thighs draped on either side of his waist, spread far enough their stomachs pressed.

Both began to move, and Eren was greedy enough to drape his arms around the strangers attractive broad shoulders. He'd buck his hips forward agonizingly slow against the man under him.

He'd continue to stare in the eyes of the stranger as they both began to meet in perfect harmony.

They'd grunt, and tenderly but roughly touch one another until they both were about to explode with growing tension.

Levi gently nudge his nose against the boy's soft chin, clear of any stubble or makeup. Eren shivered, biting down on his bottom lip every time the mans breath fanned his sensitive skin.

Quickening his pace, Levi draped his fingertips down the boy's sides until he firmly held the boy's hips in place as he thrusted up, keeping the boy in place as he dry humped the dancer hard. Hearing the boy moan freely as his back arched, excited Levi ten-fold. Smirking against the boy's skin, seeing that the dancer refused Levi's control in movement.

Levi chuckled bitterly in surprise, and complied with the boy, and picked up the pace. Uncomfortable with the lack of skin to skin contact, and disliking of not letting his girth release openly.
He intended to fuck midnight senseless.

• End Of Dream •

Levi shot up in sweat with heavy breaths  as He quickly assessed all just had been a dream, with the evidence being still draped under the comforters of his office-room.
Quick realization had sprung him into action, and he lifted the comforter. Noticing the precum coating his dick and thighs.

He'd lean back on his pillows and smirked, rubbing at his forehead in distress.

A wet dream.

Levi groaned, and snaked his hand beneath the coverage atop the bulge
He breathed for a moment before wrapping his slim fingers around the base of his throbbing rod. He'd grunt, and gradually get on his knees.


He'd pump his dick with quick strokes, and meet his hand with quick hard thrusts. Curses.
Levi was close to cumming and, the tingling feeling crawling up his back had pestered his balance to keep him upright without leaning on his hands.

His hand continued to stroke the hot skin of his pulsating dick. the images flickering in his mind of ravishing midnight, hadn't helped but increased the feeling in his abdomen to squeeze and force release without consent.

His vision faltered for a moment, and dropped to his side of his untouched sheets, hoping to calm his nerves before getting up for the bathroom.
He was damned.

• 2 •

After the lovely shower — He dressed, and ate — and Got ready to attend the scheduled meeting.

He sat across from Grisha, who remained seated with men hawking at his side. They stare down at the money showcased before them.

Grisha hadn't bought into it, and he'd look up with displeasure of their agreement.
"This has nothing to do with him, he has his own will. He's a grown adult, and can do a lot with that power." Grisha held tightly onto the arms rests of the chair, in hopes to contain the anger. "We cannot control him."

Levi sat back in ease, still refusing to listen to Grisha's word. He didn't want to. He fully intended to keep Eren for himself, with no buts. (No pun intended)

He was selfish, but he saw the price of taking something precious from someone.

Physically he turned a blind eye, but he still kept his ears open. He kept the mans words into consideration.

"He doesn't have anything to with this?"
Levi had reminded the few words that glued to him to seize the boy under his control. "Mr. Yeager, you know full well he has been apart of your business for more than a couple of years, am I correct?" He pointed out, and had kept Grisha from answering, but the father was quick with regenerating his thoughts.

"No, he doesn't, he dances, and that's all."
Levi bitterly smirked, the evidence of losing this battle was promising. Grisha has released his grip, and closed the briefcase and turned it back towards Levi.

He'd stood up with a chin up, and breathed for a moment. Staring dead in the eyes of his losing enemy.
"You can approach my son, but his will is his own."

Grisha left with the two guards at his sides, mildly impressed looks shielded by the masks covering their faces.
"Good day Mr. Ackerman, Enjoy the rest of your evening."


Updated : 06/02/2019

I changed it up a bit, make it far more fair, well for Eren.
He's still my cinnamon roll, even after the few years after publishing this book. I hadn't realized it'd still be popular?

If you don't like the changed events, do tell. < I'll change em' back but of course, switch up my wording and grammar.

1608 words ••• Unedited

__ Old A/N

hey~ yea, odd chapter. Weird twist. But, it's good that Levi didn't give up~ thank you for some of you for reading and even voting in the last chapter~
Maybe. >:] sorry if it's a bit lousy.


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