Who in the world is she that she feels free to act and talk to me like that? What does she even want, I ask myself.

"But enough small talk. I will tell you why I'm here. I want..,".

Suddenly she stops talking mid sentence. Her mouth still open to finish her words. But she isn't able to complete it. It's because time is standing still, I realize immediately.

And for the first time I feel truly happy that I'm blessed with this power.

"What is going on?"

A gasp leaves my lips as I get out of Juliette's grip and come face to face with Reece. Why is he able to be here with me? It's like the last time with Aiden.

"I used my power," I say. "But unintentionally," I add, when I look at my surroundings. Nobody is moving and caught in their last moment.

His eyes widen at my explanation and for a second he is quiet, as if he is frozen as well.

"Incredible," he then whispers. Somehow I feel a bit proud. Maybe I'm not a lost cause, because my power never had a better timing to appear.

"Buy why am I not trapped like everybody else?" He is looking at my face for an answer. But I don't have one. I can't explain it as well.

"I don't know. But this is our chance. I can't tell when my power will disappear and everything is going back to normal," I inform Reece and he gets what I want to imply.

We have to do something about his mother and stop the girl's control on her.

"Okay here is the plan," he says, while throwing his arms around his mother's back. "I will knock her out when your power stops and you..." He isn't able to finish, because we are back to normal.

I immediately react and position myself between Juliette and the girl.

"To tell you that..." she wants to finish her sentence, though abruptly notices that something is wrong. The knocked out Juliette and me being free.

"How did you do that?" first she takes a step back and glares at me. But then she actually laughs like a hyena.

"Oh, your power I remember them telling me about it."

I want to ask her, who she is referring to. But I don't have the chance. Out of nowhere a puppy appears next to me and starts to bark at the girl in front of me. She takes more steps away from us, her gaze lingering on the dog like he is about to bite her. For the first time, I see something like fear in her eyes. But she goes back to throwing me a hateful glare.

"This is not the last time, we meet," she promises with gritted teeth. "The name is Haley by the way, remember it," she calls before she runs out of the building and somebody is able to catch her.

Afterwards more chaos breaks loose. But I can't think too much about it, because Kitty immediately tackles me into hug with Reece. So the three of us are entangled into each other. Awkward I have to say.

"Are you two alright? And what about mum?" she wants to know, squeezing us tightly. If I thought Juliette's grip is tight, then it is nothing compared to her daughters.

After that I was tackled into a hug with Reece by his sister. "Are you alright Celia?" she asked me in concern and I told her that I was fine. "And what about mum?" she asked Reece, and he nodded that everything was going to be okay with her.

"She will be fine," Reece tells her and after I confirm that I'm alright as well, she finally lets go of us.

Soon people start to gather around and ask me as well if I'm fine. The adults try to find out, how Haley could get in with nobody noticing and someone takes Juliette to the infirmary. 

Though what everyone seems to have forgotten is the puppy next to us. But he gets our attention immediate as he barks for it.

"Oh right, whose dog is this by the way?" Kitty asks, looking around. She begins to pet his golden like  fur and I smile at how peaceful he is.

"I don't know, but we have to thank him. He saved the day and chased Haley away " I say, kneeing down to pet him as well.

"Actually," Reece suddenly interrupts, scratching his neck.

"Happy birthday Kitty."

Hey everyone, so what do you think about this chapter? And also a thanks to angelhearts1234, who had given me a good idea for Kitty's present. In the end I didn't go for a kitten, but for another pet and you will see in the next chapters why. But still thank you a lot, I really appreciate it. Like always please leave a comment and a vote and tell me your thoughts. Have a beautiful day!

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