Chapter 2

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After your morning routine you ventured outside into the great unknown! Only for the sky to be an apsolute a$$hole and make it rain. You huffed going back inside plopping down on your couch. It only took two maybe three minutes for you to get bored outta your mind. You decided to watch some TV and wait for the rain to go away.
Flipping through random channels you found a news channel that was talking about the weather.

"It will be rainy for today and the next three days and on Tuesday it will be partly cloudy with a chance of thunder." The weather woman said. You groaned slightly angry at the busty blonde woman on the screen. You had the next three days completely planed out: today you mine find some diamonds and visit your family in Athens. Tomorrow gather food for your trip to the ruins of Hero city. Day after that travel to the ruins with some friends to find cool stuff in the old castle and the city. Monday explore the city some more and find more stuff. Tuesday come home. Ugh! Why doesn't anything ever work out your favor!? You sighed and continued flipping through the channels and stopping on yet another news channel but this one was talking about something that interested you much more than the weather. This something was the recent attack on a small village just outside the city of Glacious, the northern city in the ice planes just east of the Cold Taiga forest and quite a bit north from where you lived. You lived somewhere in between New Hero city and Athens.

The man on the TV was speaking with one of the people who survived the gruesome attack. "So who do you believe was behind this horrible attack on the city?" What kind of question was that? It's obvious who it was, it was Him. All the attacks on cities have Him behind them. Good god, some people can be so ignorrent and stupid. You continued watching as the woman back in the station began to list off casualties and deaths from the attack.

"After such a gruesome and horrific attack we have a list of how many people have died and how many are hurt. They have found over 300 dead bodies and rescued 567 people from under the rubble of buildings and even the city wall. The police and even some of the royal guard are still looking for anyone else who is hurt or maybe dead. They are still looking for any signs of who the culprit might be and what drove them into causing this attack." Hearing how many people were killed in the attack made your guts twist and tie themselves into knots. There has been a huge rise in attacks from Him in the past past 6 months and its started to worry you. It was not normal for there to be this many in such a short amount of time and them being do close together as well, they're normally months to even years apart.

"Could he be planning something?" You said to yourself out loud. You looked down at D/n who was laying next to you on the couch, sound asleep. You smiled and pet him/her softly making their fur flatten to them. He/she maybe stupid and mental but loving and so darn cute too.

Standing up and grabbing your jacket and waking up d/n, you run out to your brown and white paint horse and hopped on it beginning to ride to the city with d/n following close behind. The rain made it hard to see but you knew where you were going. North, northeast to the Central and Capital City of Athens. The smell of burning flesh and smoke was getting stronger the closer you got to the city.

The city soon came into view and what you saw caused you to slow down and stop your horse and dog. Climbing off and dropping to your knees, you starred at the burning buildings and street signs that crumbled and fell before you. With tears in your eyes you stood stumbling a little then began running into the city and began looking for your sister or brother or mom or dad or anyone!

After about an hour and you almost dying three times you stopped in the center of the city dropping to your knees with tears streaming down your cheeks. You didn't believe it, it couldn't be true you knew it couldn't but it was... Your family and friends are all dead and you knew exactly who did it. You sat on the pavement that became hot from the flames and just cried, you cried for your family,your friends, your teachers, your neighbors, everyone. All the people you ever knew were dead and you didn't even realize till now. You cried more until you heard your horse and dog come up to you. D/n Laird next to you laying it head on your leg. You stayed there with your horse and your dog and all the memories of your friends and family members, you stayed and cried, cried for them. Not much longer after that did you hear foot steps after the ran had caused the fire to extinguish. You lifted you your head and looked around only to see no one. You though it was just your brain trying to make you feel better so you brushed it off and looked down at d/n now sleeping in your lap.

"Tap. Tap. Tap." You hear. Your head shoots up and looks around again to see no one again.

"Crackle. Crackle. Crackle." You hear again. Standing up still looking around you yell out.

"Who's there!?" Silence. "Show yourself!" You yelled again.

"Don't you love sounds of nature miss (last name)?" You hear this voice getting closer. You paled when it said your name. 'How does it know me? Does it stalk me? Or does it recognize me from pictures in my family's home?' You thought.

"H-how do you know me? Who are you?" You said.

"I know a lot about you miss (last name again)." It... The voice was right behind behind you. Swinging around you drew your sword but... No one was there. Turning back around you came face to face with someone you hoped you would have had to never encounter ever in you life. Herobrine.

// OH MUH GUD!! I DID IT!! I love reading and writing these! Anyways big thanks to primrose33333333 for making me realize this thing book was a thing cause I've been really busy with !y other stories that I put this one aside and forgot about it. So thank friend. Anywho See ya FalloutCrafters!//

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