Chapter 4

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Amia sat at the Gryffindor table, beside Harry and Hermione. Soon it becomes late and they all sent to their Common Rooms. After the winding stairs, they finally reach their destination and head inside.

*****Amia's POV*****

***2 months later***

I wake up to my pure black kitten nudging me with his head. "Padfoot. It's the weekend." I yawn. "Amia! We have classes! It's Friday!" Hermione cries out from across the room. I groan and climb out of bed to get reafy
"Professor McGonagall said we were going to be Transfiguring our pets today so I'll put Padfoot in your bag." Hermione calls as I walk into the bathroom.

"Amia! Why did you bring that thing?! He hates Scabbers! "Ron cries as I pull Padfoot out of my bag in the last class of the day. I roll my eyes and give Paddy a treat for being well behaved all day. "At least Padfoot can control himself unlike your ghastly creature that you call a pet. I bet you 10 galleons you'll have an owl by the end of our third year." I state, using my seer ability to see the outcome. "I'd never get rid of Scabbers. My family can't afford a new owl." Ron scowls. "I didn't say how you get the owl so be bloody quiet." I say. McGonagall finishes writing instructions up on the board and my hands begin to shine brightly causing the words she had written down were all muddled up. I blush and hide my hands. I send Harry a look but suddenly Padfoot becomes giant. My hands begin flashing and a misty Doe jumps around the room. Everyone gasps in shock and McGonagall turns in shock. She looks around in confusion. Suddenly everything and everyone is lifting into the air as I stand there with bright shining hands. "Miss Black! Put everything and everyone back to how it was before!" McGonagall yells in shock as she hits the ceiling lightly. Suddenly the light vanishes from my hands and a puff of smoke appears in the room. It quickly clears to reveal everything back to normal. I look down and take my seat quickly. "Miss Black. Will you go see Professor Dumbledore immediately." McGonagall calls. I nod and quickly pack all of my things up. I stand to my feet and lift Padfoot into my arms before rushing out of the classroom.

Uncle Remus appears in the fire place and smiles at me. "I didn't mean to." I whimper, holding Padfoot to my chest. "We know it wasn't your fault, Mia. But do see very few people with the amount of power that you have. Your Mother was a seer and saw this coming before you were born." Dumbledore explains. "Lily said that Mia made James turn red with black spots the day they were heading to Diagon Alley. She doesn't mean for it to happen when it does." Remus adds. "Well. Miss Black in Transfiguration earlier, had jumbled up the paragraph I had on the chalkboard, enlarged her pet, created a Patronus and had lifted everything and everyone in the class float up to the ceiling." McGonagall states, appearing in the room and joining their conversation. I blush and look down at Padfoot.

I continue to sit in Dumbledore's office in silence as he watches over me for the rest of the day. "The first time I was in Minister Fudge's office after you nearly got him to Obliviate my memories which instead was aimed at you, I turned his whole office sapphire blue with yellow spots." I state. He looks up in shock and quickly writes something own on a piece of parchment. I see a Phoenix glide over to him and take the letter as soon as it is finished. "Fawkes. Take this to the Minister as fast as possible." Dumbledore states. The bird quickly flies out as the bell rings. "You may leave now, Miss Black. But please return here again tomorrow after breakfast." He states. I nod and quickly head out of the office and back to the Common Room.

I step into the Common Room and everyone looks at me in shock. I look down and head up to my dormitory. I flop onto my bed and place my bag on the floor beside my bed before I climb under the covers with Padfoot curling up beside me.

I wake up the next morning to Hermione shaking me awake. "Harry wants you to join us at breakfast." She states. I yawn but nod in agreement.

I walk with Paddy in my bag to Dumbledore's office. I whisper the password to the the Golden statue and the stairs reveal themselves. I quickly head and knock on the office door. "Come in Miss Black." Dumbledore calls. I slip into the office and instantly see Fudge sitting in one of the chairs.

I sigh and walk into the Great Hall for dinner, taking my seat beside Harry. "Hi Amia. How was your day?" Harry asks. "Boring. I was sitting in Professor Dumbledore's office all day learning how to control my magic more." I sigh, lifting my hand up to reveal a small Padfoot. "Is that Padfoot?" Hermione asks. I nod and point my finger at the animal, causing him to grow to his normal size. I scratch his head lightly and he runs off somewhere.

Harry leads the way into Defense Against the Dark Arts and we quickly swat ourselves near the door. "We have potions next. Yay." I sigh, pulling my stuff out of my satchel. Padfoot sticks his head out and looks around in confusion.  I scratch his chin and gently push him back into my bag, closing it securely afterwards. Quarrels walks in and begins his stuttering speech. I sigh and wave my wand around in boredom. "M-M-M-Miss B-B-B-Black, p-p-please p-p-place y-y-your w-w-wand d-d-down?" The Professor stutters out. I sigh and place it on the desk in front of me with my annoyance made clear to him.

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