Chapter 3

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Amia was running around with the slightly older girl in the late afternoon while a younger girl squeals for them to slow down as she tried to tag them. "Florence! Amia! Dorothy! We have visitors!" Mrs Meadows calls out of the back door. They stop where they are and head inside quickly.

*****Amia's POV*****

***4 years later***

I step into the living room to see a woman and a man standing together with a boy. "James!" I cheer running toward them. James looks at me with a big smile as he opens his arms wide and I jump into them. I cling onto him and he rubs my back. "Hey Mia! You ready to get going?" He cheers. I nod and point to my truck by the doorway. "Good bye Mrs Meadows. Thank you for taking care of Amia for the past four years." Lily says and grabs my trunk. We quickly apperate away and into a different house.

"Amia! Harry! Breakfast time!" Lily calls. I groan and roll out of bed quickly. I head downstairs as Harry walks out of his room. "Morning Mia." He says. I send him a smile and wave as a greeting. Hogwarts letters are here kids! First one here gets their's before breakfast!" James calls. I shove Harry to the side and take off running toward the kitchen. I pluck mine out of the waiting hand of James and plop into a seat at the table. Harry walks in and playfully glares at me. "Prongs?! What room am I heading to?!" A man calls. "Dining room, Moony!" James calls. Feet come quickly into the room. "Morning Prongs family! How are you this morning?" The man says, now standing in the doorway. I look up and stare at the man through my overly curly hair. "Padfoot?" He asks in confusion. I raise my head and glare at him in confusion. "Amia?" He gasps. "Better take a seat Remus. Before you pass out." Lily calls from the kitchen. I watch him closely as he takes a seat beside James. "Amia this is Remus Lupin, if you don't remember him. He's your Godfather." James explains. My glare hardens and he flinchs. "I remember him. I remember a lot of things he said or did. My Father isn't a murderer and he tried to change my thoughts on that." I scowl. I look back down at my letter until I see a plate being placed in front of me.

I sit under the tree in the front yard and close my eyes. "Mia? Are you okay Sweetie?" Lily asks me. I open my eyes and look up at her. "I want my Daddy!" I cry out. Tears quickly fall down my face and I feel arms wrap around me. I hear a pop and Lily gasps in shock. "Minister? What are you doing here?" She asks in confusion. "I'm here to take Amia on a trip this afternoon. She is my granddaughter after all." I hear Fudge say, lying about the granddaughter part, as arms life me up. I open my eyes and stare at him in confusion. "Of course, Minister. Go right ahead." Lily states and we appetite away.

I hide under the invisibility cloak Fudge lent to me for our trip. I look in the cells as we walk through the prison known as Azkaban. A lot of people are yelling but it soon fades as we approach a certain cell. I look up to see a man hugging himself as tears stream down his face. "Sirius Black. How are you today?" Fudge asks. "I'm sorry I couldn't save Hazel or Amia! But I didn't kill Peter or any Muggles!" Sirius cries out. My eyes widen in shock. "I will never forgive you for your wife and daughter begin killed. But I know you did kill the others." Fudge snaps and nudges me to move. The screams of the man ring out and I stare in the direction we came from.

"That was my Dad?" I ask. Fudge nods and I run into the house. Lily looks at me in confusion as I run upstairs. I hear James say something and feet come after me. I slam my door as I enter my room jump on my bed. "Mia? What happened?" Remus asks. "He took me to see Dad. Dad was telling Fudge he was sorry about me and Mom, also that he didn't kill any Muggles. Fudge said he would never forgive him for me, Mom and the Muggles." I cry. The door opens and within seconds, I'm wrapped in his arms. I cling onto him and cry my eyes out. "He was screaming out, Remus. He was hurting and I couldn't help him." I whimper. He sighs and makes me sit up. "You can't help everyone, Mia. Your Father is one of them." Remus says. I nod and pull one of my pillows into my arms to hug. "Get some sleep, Mia. You're going with the Potter's to Diagon Alley tomorrow morning." Remus states, pulling the covers, that I lazily tossed off of me earlier, over my form. I smile and look up at him. "Can you tell me a few stories about what Dad was like at my age?" I question. He nods and sits on the bed.

I shoot out of bed the next morning and run over to my trunk of clothes, picking out my clothes for today. I head to the bathroom and quickly get ready for the day.

I plop into my seat and watch as Lily serves breakfast onto the plates. "Morning Lily." I call. She turns and smiles at me. "Morning Mia. Did you sleep well?" She says. I give a thumbs up and she walks over with my plate. "Harry! James! Breakfast is ready!" She calls after a moment. Something slams upstairs and feet thump across the floor until James appears in the doorway, looking like a complete mess. I burst out laughing and he fake glares at me. My hands shine brightly and suddenly his skin becomes red with black spots. My eyes widen in horror and I quickly begin eating. "James! Get cleaned up right now!" Lily yells in shock. I watch as James looks at his hands. "There's nothing wrong with me, Lily." He complains. Suddenly Harry walks in and bursts out laughing at James. "Dad? Why are you all spotty?" He laughs. James freezes and turns to me. I hide my hands under the table but he quickly pulls them up to reveal my shining hands. Harry bursts out laughing and I blush lightly.

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