Nine: Stanley

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It was a good day in Australia, everyone is enjoying the last days of summer...

Stanley: "Yeah like it's the last five seconds of summer"

Anyway, it's really like the last days of summer and everyone is making the best of what they can do. In a park just outside the famous Sydney Opera House, there we found one of the chosen one (the one who just talked earlier) with his friends roaming around playing Pokemon GO in their phones. Since the game involves looking for pokemons in real life, he and his friends are busy roaming around the place just to hunt some pokemons.

Bryan: "Stanley, have you got some pokemons? I haven't seen one."

Stanley: "I only found a Charmander near the Opera house, just keep looking around"

Jack: "Hey I just found a pokemon right at the trash can." (He is pointing at a pigeon) "But I can't capture it."

Stanley: "Haha funny you, that is not a pokemon, it's a real pigeon not a Pidgey. Just keep looking while I am about to capture this Squitle."

Jack: "OK, by the way, there is a pokemon called girlfriend. Maybe you can help me find one."

Bryan: "Jack that's too much of the internet references. By the way, I just found a Pikachu. I am now an accomplished pokemon trainer."

Stanley: "Good for you. Just keep out from the real Team Rockets. They don't just steal our pokemons, they steal our phones too."

Jack: "OK"

These guys just look for pokemons, as they are enjoying the game while they feel like they are pokemon trainers. After a long hour of playing, they finally have enough and rested on a nearby convenient store.

Stanley: "Yeah narrator, after I caught some pokemons I feel like I am a good pokemon trainer. Maybe you should try it....Oh yeah I forgot this game is not yet available in your country.

Jack: "Who are you referring to? It's just the three of us here and some people in this store, and some hot chicks over there and that guard standing right behind us."

Stanley: "You don't wanna know. They are seeing us and they know what we are talking today."

Jack: "OK, anyways. I have caught a pokemon for the first time and I want to level up."

Bryan: "Just wait Jack. It would come."

Bryan, not yet bored, plays again Pokemon GO and looks for pokemons inside the convenience store.

Bryan: "Hey I just saw a Pikachu right at the cashier."

While Bryan is busy hunting for pokemons, Stanley and Jack are discussing their plans for the week.

Jack: "Anyways so what's our future plan? After watching Phineas and Ferb why can't we imitate what Phineas and Ferb are doing except we don't have those stuff they are doing."

Stanley: "Yeah you're right. I wish we can join Phineas and his friends at least they are now enjoying their last days of summer vacation only thing that prevents us is we are not in the Tri-State Area and you know.....copyright issues with the guy who writes this."

Jack: "Stanley why can't we just go to the Outbacks again."

Stanley: "We just been there yesterday looking for hidden treasures. You know I am tired of being an Indian Jones finding treasures."

Jack: "We can visit Darwin."

Stanley: "What? Near crocodile country, No way! After I lost my tablet there I would never return there. Besides those crocs might be looking for me."

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