Six: Diana

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In the famous Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janiero, everyone is on the beach to swim, to sun bath or just to play on the beach. Among those people, we found our next heroine on the corner, playing beach volleyball with her friends. Holding the ball, she spikes it to the other team. The other team misses the ball for she spiked it very fast. Her team then wins. After playing volleyball, her friends invited her to join them shopping but she declined their offer, preferring to play extreme sports instead. Together with her cousins, they perform skydiving just outside of Rio. Still not satisfied, she joins on a triathlon contest in which she won. Many wonder how she did all those things on a single day. Her friends ask her.

Priscilla: "Wow Diana, you are really an incredible woman. On a single day you perform those sports. What is your secret?"

Diana: "It's just my passion. You know, I want to have a healthy lifestyle."

Daniel: "I've been wondering that why you have different preferences to other girls. I mean I see that you also prefer to do our preferences. Don't tell me you want to be lesbian."

Lola: "She's not a lesbian. Look at her she's more sexier than us."

Daniel: "There are sexy lesbians anyway. And they are still hot."

Diana: "Guys, stop your argument. Of course I AM NOT a lesbian. Why, if a girl who does all the things boys do is automatically a lesbian? And besides I believe that girls can do what boys can do."

Priscilla: "Yeah, GIRLS ARE GREAT!"

Daniel: "NO, BOYS ARE GREAT! Girls are just pretenders."

Diana: "Stop it, both of you. All of us are great. Why would you stop arguing which is better."

Lola: "Let's just have dinner instead."

If Diego is an example of a male jock, Diana Hernandez is his female counterpart. She is also one of our chosen ones and like the first three chosen ones, she is also an eleven year-old and is studying on a private school in Rio. Diana is middle of the 5 children of Antonio Hernandez, an engineer and Liz Hernandez, a schoolteacher. She is the only girl in the family (all her younger siblings are male.) Since she is the only girl in the family, her parents give her special attention by treating her as a princess but despite this, she also prefers to do what boys usually do which is against her mother's wishes. Aside from playing dolls and tea parties, she also plays toy guns and wrestling. She is also fond of playing basketball, football and even boxing. She's not only fond of ordinary sports, but also in extreme sports. At a very young age, she performs skydiving (With the assistance of her older cousins), and water skiing. Unlike other girls, Diana is tough fighter, she would fight anyone who insults her or her friends. Because she is fond of male activities, many thought that she is a lesbian but she is not. Even though she has more masculinity in her, she still have her feminine side. She goes with girl friends, and does girly stuff. In other words, she does it all in equal. Her attitude and preferences reflect her appearance. She has long black hair, with tan complexion and with a slender tall body – an image of a typical Latina.

Diana went home her condo tired and exhausted. As she approaches the door, her mother suddenly opens the door with an angry look.

Liz Hernandez: "Where have you been young lady? Skydiving...again?"

Diana: "Yes mom, and this time, it's much more thrilling compared we did last year."

Liz Hernandez: "How many times I tell you NOT TO PLAY THOSE...SPORTS. It's too dangerous for you."

Diana: "Mom you don't worry for me. I can handle these things and it is already the 21st century. We can do what boys often do. You're so medieval."

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