What's Shipping? (SasuNaru modern AU)

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3rd pov~

Naruto had received a phone call from Sakura inviting him to a sleepover with Kiba, Ino, Neji, Shino, Hinata, Sasuke, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Shikamaru. He agreed and started packing a bag with clothes for the next day.

Naruto was most confused when they started fangirling about this 'Ereri' and 'Nalu'. Sakura was soon talking about making her own ship thingy called 'SasuSaku'. "Sakura what is shipping?" Naruto asks tilting his head slightly. "Something you wouldn't understand!" Ino and Sakura said glaring at poor Naruto. "Anyway I ship..." Naruto stopped listening to the girls rambling and instead tried to start a conversation with the guys.

"Hey Naruto did you hear? Gaara's got a crush on Hinata (I ship it ok it's cute!!!) and Shika over here likes Temari of all people" Kiba says smirking at the now blushing guys. "What are you talking about? Tch, I don't like that troublesome women" Shikamaru said turning his head to the side while Gaara just looked down at his lap.

"Hey do you guys know what shipping is cause the girls won't tell me" Naruto said scratching his cheek. "Uhh yeah! It's basically when you choose people who you think should be a couple and start making fan art and fanfics and others crazy stuff, you know I've seen Hinata flip about her favorite ship being sailed. I think it was 'Raku x Chitoge' (sorry but real quick I love this pairing and the anime was great I suggest it a lot it's called 'Nisekoi') or something" Neji said.

The girls noticed the guys talking about shipping and Sakura came up with a idea. "Hey! Let's play a game I'm getting bored" Sakura said as she wrote everyone's name onto a piece of paper and tore them apart and put them into a bowl. Everyone got into a circle and waited for Sakura to chose someone.

"Ok everyone were playing '7 minutes in heaven'!" Sakura. The bowl was passed to Gaara and he pulled out a name. "U-um I got Hinata" he said as he blushed slightly. "O-oh um o-ok l-lets go" Hinata said as she stood with Gaara and walked to the closet. " Ok guys! Make sure to kiss!" Ino sang locking the door and setting the timer for seven minutes.

Naruto sat awkwardly glancing around the room until his eyes landed on Sasuke. Naruto couldn't help but think about how Sasuke would react if they both got into the closet together. Would they kiss? Would they stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do?

Naruto's thoughts were cut off by Sasuke turning his head to look back at Naruto. Sasuke smirked and tilted his head up slightly, now looking down at Naruto. Naruto's face turned 50 shades of red and he looked away.

Ino's timer dinged and Gaara and Hinata came out of the closet blushing. Everyone snickered as they noticed the small purple/red mark on Hinata's neck. Gaara grabbed the bowl and passed it to Naruto who Sakura deemed was next.

Naruto's heart began to race as he became nervous. What if he got Sakura?! Or Temari?! He imagined the kind of beat down Shikamaru would give him if he did anything with Temari. His hand shakily reached into the bowl and pulled out a name.


His eyes widened and he put the bowl down and stood. He grabbed Sasuke's wrist and pulled him into the closet. "O-oh um ok I'll set the timer!" Ino shouted as she awkwardly looked at the speechless gang looking at the closet.

Naruto and Sasuke stood in the closet as he could barely see the small blush on Sasuke's face as he smirked. Naruto felt Sasuke's hands on his shoulders and his back hit the wall of the cramped closet. Naruto gasped slightly as he felt Sasuke's tongue slide up his neck painfully slow.

Sasuke's tongue flicked up as he reached Naruto's jawline. Both spoke in hushed voices as Sasuke began to plant open mouthed kissed on Naruto's neck.

"S-Sauske what the h-hell are you d-doing?"

"Hn, don't tell me you don't like it. I know your hold back something... I wonder what that might be"

Naruto's face flushed even redder if possible at Sasuke's words. Finally a small, breathy moan left Naruto's lips as Sasuke bit the soft spot on Naruto's neck.

"That's it" Sasuke finally pulled his face away from Naruto's neck only to have his back pushed harshly against the wall behind him.

"Hey! Are you guys ok?!" Sakura shouted from the other side of the closet door. "Yeah we're fine don't worry" Naruto shouted back.

Sasuke was slightly shocked when he felt a pair of warms lips against his. Sasuke looked at Naruto, who's eyes were closed and hands balled into fists pressed against the wall.

Sasuke's eyes shut and his hands flew into Naruto's hair lightly tugging and pulling making Naruto moan slightly. Naruto opened his mouth and let his tongue lick Sasuke's bottom lip, asking to enter.

Just as Sasuke opened his mouth a distant timer went off and footsteps were heard. Naruto flew back and made himself (more so his hair) presentable as Sasuke calmly posed as if nothing had happened.

The door of the closet opened to reveal Ino and the rest looking slightly disappointed at the sight of the boys standing at other sides of the closet instead of making out. Naruto and Sauske walked out extremely calm, to calm for Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke  didn't speak for the rest of the sleep over and everyone was mostly concerned about Naruto because it was very out of character (like my writing, am I right?! ;D no sorry I'll stop) for him to not speak. Everyone decided to just call it a night and go to bed.

~time skip~morning~

Naruto woke up and sat up groggily. He still couldn't get Sasuke off his mind, I mean he basically kissed his best friend. Naruto noticed that no one else was awake so he decided to go down stairs and into the kitchen to look for ramen.

Naruto looked in the pantry and heard footsteps but shrugged it off thinking it was Sakura or someone else. He felt slender yet strong arms wrap around his waist and hair tickle his shoulder as he immediately stood straight.

Sauske nipped at Naruto's earlobe as he spoke softly. "Do you know what my favorite ship is?" He asked as his hand played with the elastic of Naruto's boxers he slept in last night.

"W-which one?"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OMG I finally did it!!!!!!! I procrastinated sooo much with this (and I couldn't think of ideas). Anyway I hope you enjoyed this.

~Otaku Princess Emi

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