finding liam

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Benson and Rollins said that emily was kidnapped even tho I knew that. they said Emily said that the guy who took her was the same MO as Collin. She also said that he has liam I really hope liam is still alive. Fin enters my office and says "cap. We have a lead" I run out to see everyone surrounded a computer rafi was here to I stood by rafi and Benson said "we have a video of Collin and liam together he is using liam for kiddy porn we were able to track down the address. Barba if we get this guy what are his charges" rafi looked at Benson and said "looking at him facing a jury he would be charged with child pornagraghy kiddnapping and possibly rape he's looking at life time in prison" I sighed and a lightbulb lit in my head "wait a mintue Benson I know you said that we have an address for him but unless he knows where I live when I was going on the elevator back home it stopped at floor5 he entered when it stopped it could be possible that he lives in the same appartment as me" Benson looks at me and says "it could be possible captain" I looked at every one and said "ok so this is how it's going to go down we are going to my appartment building and we are going to search every appartment on floor 5 if he is not there we will use that address Benson has. Barba how fast can you get a search warrant" he looked at me and said "depends on the age of the victim and why" I rolled my eyes and said "well.... He's 5 years old we put an amber alert out for him so it's pretty clear that we need to find him fast" Barba sighed and said "I'll see what I can do" he walked out of the station I looked at everyone and sighed carisi looked at me and said "how do you deal with him" I chuckled and said "trust me he's a handfull. When hes not so stressed out he's not as bossy but When he is stressed out he acts like He's the freaking mayor of new York" everyone laughed and carisi said "eh give it a couple of months he is super high maintenance" ( sorry I had to use the quote that Adam said in lab rats sink or swim). I looked at carisi and smiled.

- - - - - - - - next day - - - - - - - -

Rafi got us the warrant and so right now we are knocking  every door on floor 5 I knocked one door the door opened and I saw Collin he had a gun I was about to say something when he pulled me inside his appartment he pointed the gun at my head he said "don't scream or else I'll blow your brains out." I said "ok ok I won't scream what do you want from me" he looked down and said "your gun give me your gun" I have him my gun and he brought me out to the balcony and threw my gun over the balcony I turned my head and saw liam tied to a chair I said "hi liam im captain dodds but you can call me Nikki I'll get us out of her ok" he nodded his head. Collin brought me over to the balcony and looked down I saw everyone down there even rafi I was about to open my mouth and scream but Collin took my walkie talkie and turned it on and said "everyone look up" everyone looked up and there faces went blank rafi looked both pissed and worried. He grabbed a megaphone from the table and said "if you dont give me what I ask for I'll throw her over the balcony" he leaned me toward the balcony and I was scared I knew that I would die if they make one mistake my life was on the line I heard the door being kicked down I saw S.W.A.T. members with carisi. Collins turned me around and put the gun at my head he said "ahh police officers is there a problem. Make one move and I'll shoot her and the boy" no one make a move he smiled and I knew something bad was about to happen all of a sudden I felt myself being thrown off the balcony I grabbed the one of the bars on the balcony and screamed I couldn't hold on for that long.

*rafis P.O.V.*

I saw Collin throw nikki off the balcony and she screamed I looked at Benson and said "WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING" she looked at me and said "don't worry carisi got her."

*carisis P.O.V.
We broke down the door and I thought that everything was over but it wasn't he had a gun on nikkis head he said "ahhh police officers is there a problem. Make one move and I'll shoot her and the boy" we all did not make a move he smiled and threw Nikki off the balcony she grabbed on the bar of the balcony and screamed I cursed under my breath one of the S.W.A.T. member grabbed Collin and arrested him I told them "go take him downstairs and give him to luit. She will take him and read him his rights. I will get Nikki." They all nodded their heads and left I ran to nikki and told her to give me her arm and I pulled her up an on to the balcony.

*Benson's P.O.V.
Nikki was thrown off the balcony and Barba was freaking out the S.W.A.T. members brought Collin out side I arrested him and said "you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used aganst you in the court of law you may have a attorney with you during questioning if you can't afford a attorney one will be givin to you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you" Collin rolled his eyes and nodded I put him in the police car.

*nikkis P.O.V

I screamed and said in my head don't look down don't look down. I saw carisi and he said "give me your arm" I gave carisi my arm and he pulled me up and inside the appartment I let out a breath that I did not know I was holding I hugged carisi and said thank you I ran over to liam and untied him I picked him up and carried him outside the parents were their I gave them liam and they thanked me I smiled as they walked away I saw rafi coming toward me. "Nikki are you ok" I nodded my head he hugged me and I hugged back I turned around and saw everyone I sighed and fin said "cap. You ok that was pretty hectic hanging from the balcony" I nodded my head and said "im fine" fin nodded and liv said "cap. Why don't you go back to your appartment and relax dont come to work tomorrow you need a day to yourself" I shook my head and said "no liv it's fine I don't need to relax" she gave me a blank stare and said "if you come into work tommorow I will arrest you" I chuckled and said "ok ok I'll stay home but only for one day" liv nodded and I looked at rafi and he said "lets go inside" I nooded and waved everyone a goodbye and goodnight.

We found liam that's the important thing....... Case closed

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