A Long Journey

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Rose, Zachary, Oliver, and Mrs. Magistra appeared in front of the silver limo parked in front of the school. Mitoam School of Magic was in purple lettering across the sides. Rose felt breathless, as if she had just run a marathon.

"I CAN NOT believe this is happening!" She squealed.

"Oh just wait Rose, we haven't even left Westmist yet." Mrs. Magistra smiled.

"Mrs. Magistra, you're... a Mitoam teacher?" Oliver gaped in amazement at her.

"You kept that secret well!" Zachary commended.

"We don't have all day!" The driver at the front of the limo shouted.

Mrs. Magistra opened a door near the front and ushered them inside. Four large, dark leather lazy-boy chairs sat bolted to the floor near the windows. Each had a side table with an empty glass and plate on them. Rose felt like the limo was heavily enchanted.

"Your trunks have been stowed in the back." Mrs. Magistra told them. "Be prepared for a long ride." Rose grabbed a chair and settled in.

The four of them chatted excitedly for about an hour, absorbed in conversation about Mitoam. Mrs. Magistra told them more stories about her time at the school and leaked a few more details about the school sports.

"The Team Competitions have five teams, each represented by a color and an animal. The members of each team change every year, but the team names and colors only change every hundred years or so. It's up to the Headmaster to decide when teams are divided, but usually it's within the first few weeks. Knowing Headmaster Collings, he's already divided the rest of the school into teams and they are just waiting on the Level One students to be decided at the Welcoming Ceremony tonight. The competition may even start right after dinner."

It wasn't long before Oliver got hungry.

"Do you remember the aluminum squares you ate during the Tests?" Mrs. Magistra asked.

"Sure! Do we have some of those?"

"No, but the plates and cups have a similar enchantment to them. Make sure you are touching them and then ask for what you want. There's a mini kitchen in the back, where the luggage is."

"Oooh a filet mignon sounds real good right now!" Oliver patted his stomach.

Rose laughed, "Oliver make sure you have room for dinner tonight!"

"But we're missing lunch!"

"She's got a point Oliver." Mrs. Magistra nodded, "it may do you good to skip lunch all together. The banquet tonight is going to be fantastic!" She lapsed into a memory, telling the three of them all the crazy things she had to eat while a student at Mitoam. Rose's mouth started to water.

"Alright, I give up!" Oliver flung his hands in the air and then grabbed his plate. "Give me that steaky thing Mrs. Magistra just talked about."

"You have to be more specific Oliver." She smiled. "How about you wait until you have it in these next eight years. I'm sure you'll have it at some point."

"Fine. A PB&J sounds good too." About a minute later a fresh peanut butter and jelly showed up on his plate. "Sick!" Oliver exclaimed before eating about half of it in one bite.

Zachary then took hold of his plate and asked for bacon. They heard sizzling behind them in the back room and a mouth watering smell of greasy bacon frying in a pan wafted up to their noses.

"Aww man Zachary you may have just done us all in." Rose groaned. She felt her belly rumble. When a large pile of bacon appeared on his plate, Rose lunged and grabbed one off the stack.

Rose Benoit and the School of Magic Where stories live. Discover now