Chapter 16: Rhain and Maru

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     The three had been traveling for almost two weeks now, their daily work outs becoming increasingly difficult. Every day, the exercises became longer and more vigorous, most days lasting up to ten hours of effort. 

     Annora refilled her water pouch, studying her reflection in the water with interest. The muscles in her arms were more defined, the hard stringy definitions giving a graceful curve to her body. Her legs became thinner and more defined, and small ripples of her bunching muscles displayed her strength.  

     A small smile spread across her lips as she remembered some of the exercises Ash and she did.  Many days they did strength, lifting large rocks and even fallen logs, others they did endurance, sometimes running upwards of ten miles at full speed, and every day there was combat. 

     Annora was catching up to Ash's skill fast, moving with fluid motions and instinctively mirroring his every move. She even succeeded in giving him an amount of bruises to rival hers. 

     They traveled out of the mountains a week ago, their landscape quickly flattening to gentle rolling hills and the rivers becoming larger and numerous. Thick trees covered with vines dominated the landscape. Ash even said that they should reach the witch's house by nightfall. 

     Annora closed her full water container and walked back to Noctinge, carefully placing it in a secure pouch in his saddle and giving him a pat. She picked up the egg from inbetween the dragon's massive paws and cradled it. Now weighing around twenty pounds, the egg's shell had hardened considerably, the wriggling embryo hidden. 

     "Carrot top," Ash began, kicking dirt on the small fire and saddling on Noctinge. "We're traveling all day today, that egg's just about ready to hatch, it's best if we get there before it does." 

     Annora nodded, rolling her eyes tiredly from his nickname. She climbed on the saddle, still carrying the egg. "Just in case it hatches on the way there." She responded to Ash's questioning glance. 

     Her insides wriggled at the thought of the approaching hatch-ling, the anticipation was getting worse everyday. Not sure if she felt exited to have a dragon companion or dreading if it rejected her, Annora once again marveled at the dramatic change in her view of the world in just a few short weeks. 

     Noctinge took off, flying with a noticeable urgency as they streaked past the land. They flew for hours, not even slowing their pace. The sun had just begun to touch the ground when they landed lightly at the edge of a thick forest. Annora took the heavy egg, wrapping it securely in her arms.

     "She lives in a bit further in, Noctinge can't fly through the forest from here, the trees are too close. We'll walk from here." 

     As soon as they walked under the canopy of the overhanging leaves, the already fading light darkened, making it more difficult to see the dangling vines and marshy puddles. A low hanging cloud of vapor clung to the ground, hovering over the puddles and swirling lazily. Thick grass clumped around the dark bark of the trees, and calls of wild animals rang through the swamp like forest. Despite the rather gloomy and mysterious look of the woods, the air was quite cool, although no breeze could be felt whistling between the branches. 

     Noctinge weaved gracefully inbetween the trunks, twisting his long body and flicking his whip-like tail. Annora easily cleared the large puddles, keeping the hurried pace through the forest. Soon, the light had faded, and Annora had to squint to see where she was going.

     Ash and Noctinge led the way as they twisted and turned for a little under an hour, taking sharp turns and going around small ponds. Annora shifted her grip on the egg many times, trying to get a better hold on the cool surface. 

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