She's My Sister

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Elsa slightly blushed, kneeling down to Olaf, "I'd prefer to call him Oaken." The snowman smiled, waddling over to the man and waving hello. The queen made her way to him, "You're Oaken?" Oaken smiled, nodded, and began rambling about his sales, and Elsa watched Olaf look around the trading post.

"Your Highness?" Gerda followed the princess, sighing in relief as she finally caught her attention. The redhead, already with her braids messing up, her eyes heavy, and a lot to take care of, managed to smile, "Anna, what can I do for you?" Gerda seemed to be confused for a moment, but laughed and smiled, "The council wishes to see you." The council wanted to see her. If she was being honest, most of her time was spent with the council, discussing how she lacked in grace, and she knew them by heart. As tiny footsteps made their way to the board room, she smiled, surprised by the quiet tone. "Your Highness, where is your sister?" "Oh, Elsa! I let her have the day off, you know a day to herself, and Olaf, well he'll understand if Elsa wants a moment alone, but he's wonderful company, and he always has the best hugs and the best jokes!" Anna laughed, biting her lip, as she was the only one laughing.

Olaf happily skipped along, Elsa following him, wrapping her arms around herself and sighing, glancing around. "What if she needs me?" The queen plopped down, her hands lightly icing over and a small flurry of snow surrounding her. "Anna will be okay!" Olaf sat beside her, smiling at her. "I know she can take care of herself, I've seen her manage well on her on, I-I, she's my sister and I-I, Anna," She sighed, glancing out to the open sea, a breeze flowing through her hair, and the sunlight resting on her shoulders.

Only the single ship, held what could possibly, be the end of the kingdom, from one mistake,

Elsa's Day OffWhere stories live. Discover now