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I'm a pretty calm and collected person.

I was just reading one of the best books on wattpad; Louder [A Danisnotonfire X Reader] (Shoutout to @Hanisnotonfire07 , the creator of the book)

In the book a character is recently released from jail and one of his friend greets him like this "Simon get your polished white as over here" (Yes, that was his friend)

And a few moments later he greeted the reader like this ,"(Y/N) get your polished ass over here!"

Well in the next chapter is actually an apology chapter because apparently she had originally wrote that interesting friend had actually said to the reader," (Y/N) get your polished white ass over here!"

Now any real fan of Antihan( aka Hanisnotonfire07) would know that she is not racist

If I had read the original form I probably wouldn't even have noticed and it would of brushed of me like a speck of dust.

But then I just had to read the comments of that chapter.

Some comments were similar to my own basically stating how they know she's not racist and they don't really care.

Other comments were a not more irritating.

"It's not even racist"

When I first read a comment like that I was unaffected. Over 8 billion people are in this earth of course there is going to be at least one person who is less informed on taboo topics esppecially if they are under aged.

But I looked through more of the comments to see if there were any readers of color.

And I saw more and more comments saying ,"that's not racist!"

I slowly became angry and annoyed.

Also confuse.

How was it not racist?

I mean Hannah said it was a mistake ,so, no it wasn't racist but if it was on purpose it would be racist.

You see there are more than just white readers on wattpa d and more than just white people who like danisonfire. So saying "polished white ass " is racist because it excludes other races.

If you ever watched the movie 'hairspray' you may have an idea on how wrong it is when you exclude races , this is also called discrimination.





the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

"victims of racial discrimination"

synonyms:prejudice, bias, bigotry,intolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairness,inequity, favoritism, one-sidedness, partisanship;

People are always saying ," I'm not racist!"

But, if you don't know or can't recognise racism than how do you know your not racist?

So I decided to create this book, 'signs your racist'

If your reading this , I'm very glad as racism is everywhere and is hardly decreasing.

Sure there are laws against racism but not enough as people can barely recognise when their being racist.

If I was being racist I wouldn't want to be labeled as a bad person , but simply informed on what I'm doing wrong and how I can change.

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Signs You're RacistWhere stories live. Discover now