Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

Maggie laid back with me, "Don't worry, all is forgiven. Besides, if you become some billionaire housewife, you can act like Satan all you want. I just want some money."

I laughed, "I'll be sure to make you a savings account."

"Like I would ever in a million years let you forget." She scoffed sarcastically, as we both laid there for quite some time. 

We began to speak about all the things that happened to us over the time we hadn't hung out. Like the typical teenage girls we were, there wasn't a single detail left hidden. That night, she slept over. She normally did that when she was way too lazy to drive home. Which was usually every time she came over. I didn't blame her, her home life sucked.

Of course, as she slept over, I would give her my bed, and I would sleep on the floor. She didn't force me onto the floor, it was just that during the night, if we shared the bed, half the time she was so fat, she'd bump me off the side of the mattress onto the floor in her sleep.

I laid there on the smelly mattress on the floor, as Maggie slept loudly in my bed. She snores. A lot. 

I sat there, in the dark staring up at my ceiling, just thinking of all the things I have done, and have to do. In just a few more days, I'll have to meet the 'guests' Parity is so freaked over. I'll have to act like a wife to a man whom I've thought was a psycho since the day I laid eyes on him. 

Through all that, worry wasn't on my mind. Though, I wondered; if these people found out me and Elias weren't married, what would happen to him? He didn't dare tell me, and I wondered if it was as bad as he is acting. 

These people must truly mean something to him, if he frets over presentation in this form.

I shook my head, scolding myself for thinking about Elias yet again, even when I'm not at the cemetery. 

Forcing myself to close my eyes, I slowly began to fall asleep.


"How captivating this girl is." Mr. Parity spoke, as we both stood over the body of a dead teenage girl who was being prepared for burial. "Her beauty whilst dead is so pleasing to the eye."

I looked at her, then back at him, "Why is it that I'm not even slightly disturbed to hear you say that anymore?"

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder in a way to cheer me up, "Because, my doll, the funeral style is forging in you! It's a delightful blessing to be able to admire the dead, isn't it?"

I backed away, "I never said it was admirable."

He rolled his eyes, "But you were thinking it, don't be dishonest -come!" He interrupted himself, "We have to prepare for this funeral, and I need you help." He quickly spun to face the door, and walked out of the room.

"My help to do what?" I asked, as I had trouble keeping up with him.

"Absolutely nothing." He confirmed, as he grabbed a large wooden box from the 'storage' room, which was where he basically kept all the expensive rocks and sparkly things that I couldn't imagine owning even one of.

I stopped and stared at him, "Then why did you say you needed my help?"

"Affidavit." He declared, "When one says they need someone, that said person feels important. It's psychological. I'm trying to boost that piteous sense you call confidence."

"I don't think it works when you explain to them your motive. It kind of makes them feel worse."

He pointed to me, "But you did feel important for a few seconds, right?"

I crossed my arms, "Are you saying I'm not important here?"

"Your job is to stand beside me and look as dashing, and radiant as I know you can be. That's it. " He took a red jewel from the wooden box, and admired it. "Now this is beauty." Gently, he placed it on a tiny black box, and tied a bow around it. "If there is a God." He spoke, "I'd have nothing but compliments to say to him. Truly, these riches from the earth are so immaculate."

I huffed, "Then marry the damn rock already."

He turned to me, "Speaking of marriage." His mood seemed to suddenly change from his normal self, to a more serious feel, "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Of course. Are you?"

"Absolutely not." He forced a smile, "But I believe we both are going to experience things with a brand new point of view."

I frowned, not knowing exactly what he could mean by that. "How so?"

He glanced back at the rock, and gently kissed it, "Marriage is a beauty, whether it's faked or not. If it is as divine of a splendor they all say it is, then I may just find the essence I've been searching for my entire life."

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