Angel Cas

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So since I'm camping I can't make digital drawings so out of boredom I decided to design Cas as an Angel, I absolutely HATE how the legs turned out but I'm too lazy to fix it even though I'm sure I just need to make the shoes bigger.

Also, those to who saw my angels back in Art Etcetera, I've change how I do the wings a bit, do you prefer it this way or the other way? I also really need to work on the feathers xD

On a completely unrelated topic, Texas was just whining because people left and I was just whining with him because I'm bored xD

I really wish I had a dog ;-; but we just have a lazy ass cat (sorry for language but it's true xD)

Ayy my Uncle got back so Tex stopped moping and now he's outside xD

Have a great day or remainder of day


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