Chapter I

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Nico's eyes opened at the sound of a load crush that disturbing the silence of the Hades cabin. Nico sat up slightly from his mattress  and scanned the room for the source, until exhaustion returned to his bones.

knock. knock. knock.

The small rapping sound again, as if someone was lightly tapping on the door. Nico rubs a hand over his face, scowling all the way to the cabin entrance.

"Psst, Nico. It's Will." His eyes widen at the small voice which is seemingly coming from the other side. Hastily, he pulls open the door, only to be met with the cold night air.

I coulda sworn... He rubs his temples in a sleepy haze, reclosing the door and heading back towards his warm comfortable bed.

"Nico!" He pauses in the middle of the cabin, shifting slightly to find the source of the voice. "You seriously still sleeping?  Must be a deep sle—"

"Ok I give up, just tell me where the Hades you are." Nico calls out annoyed. His voice ridden with drowsiness. Another small knocking is heard.

This time Nico turned towards the tiny window at the back of the cabin, eyes narrowing to try and draw out an outline.

"Will? Are you an idiot?" He hisses under his voice as he storms over to the window, lifting it to glare down at a head of blond.

"No, I took extra precautions." Will grins, spreading his arms out to show that he was wearing a completely black outfit.

"Once again, you look like an idiot and your hair sticks out like an idiot at a window, oh wait that's you."  He points out and insults, biting his lip to try and hide his amused smile.

Will pretends to look surprised, reaching a hand up into his  hair. "My bad, I had know idea, I'll cover it up next time for sure."

"Who says there'll be a next time?" Nico raises an eyebrow, silently surprised by Will's words.

"Don't be like that Nico, you know you miss me." Will pouts teasingly, getting a rise out of the other boy. Nico stares at the idiot for a moment before retreating back to his bed.

"Wait! Let me in—Nico!" Will pleads, trying not to raise his voice and alert the harpies. Nico stops, sighing in aggravation as he gets up again and opens the window.

Will silently praises himself, jumping up and heaving himself into the room. He begins to slither through the window when all of a sudden his shirt catches on the windowsill, making him freeze.

"Nico." He calls the boy's name flatly. The raven haired boy turns at the sound of his name, watching Will in the darkness.

"What?" He mumbles, not looking at Will and therefore not seeing his dilemma.

"I'm stuck." He explains, testing the hold of the window by pulling forward slightly. The window holds tight, threatening to rip at his orange tee shirt.

"What? Where?" Nico asked worriedly. "My shirt is caught, see if you can pull it free." His voice was calm as he instructs the obviously worried Nico around.

"Uh, okay." The boy calls meekly, peering over Will's diagonal body to assess the back of his shirt. He finds the place his shirt is caught and alerts Will of it. As the he lists off instructions for Nico to do, Nico can't help but become distracted by the sliver of skin revealed by the shirt upriding.

He gulps, humming a 'yes' to whatever Will had said. Realizing that maybe he should have listened, he reaches over and unhooks the shirt, guessing that's what Will had been talking about.


Will tumbles forward, landing on the floor  awkwardly  and crumpling  himself in the process. Nico jumps like a startled cat, gazing wide eyed down at the now injured boy.

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