Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long wait. I had a lot of thoughts for this chapter but none seemed right. So this is what all that thinking has brought. I hope you like it. :) This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends Cluadia (pronounced Cloudy-a) for reading this when my other friend (*cough cough* yes you Izzi (love5boys) -_-) and telling me that she thought the chapter was great. 

Read on....


I stared nervously at the dangerous specimen before me then back up at Kaiden. He laughed at my fear-stricken expression before holding out a hand for me to take. Once he had it in his grasp he gave a gentle squeeze before kissing my cheek softly, sending a massive shiver up my spine and leaving goose bumps all over my body. I think he had the same reaction; either that or it was just the cold weather.

I glanced at the motorbike, wondering why anyone would want to ride such a thing that looked like it took you to the gateway of Hell. The gig had finished and hour and a half ago. I had successfully recorded the whole thing on my camera and would be uploading it to my computer as soon as possible. After the gig we all went to a café down the road to get something to eat. We’d spent the whole time talking about anything and everything. The ‘gang’ as they liked to call themselves, were pretty funny to watch. They constantly teased each other and I found myself liking spending time with them.

When we left the café Kaiden said that he wanted to take me somewhere. I said that it was already 11:09 and that I should be getting home because of school the next day, but he said that it was important. So I agreed.

I was regretting that decision already.

“I promise that I’ll go as slow as you want me to. Even if we go at a snail’s pace. I want you to feel safe with me. I need you to feel safe with me.” I don’t think he realised how much those words affected me. He sounded so lost, like the world could fall down around him at any second.

I turned and looked up at him through my eyelashes, placing a palm to his cheek. “Don’t worry. I know I’m safe with you.” His eyes brighten at my words and he pulls me close to him. He lets go after a few seconds and swings his leg over the bike—very swiftly might I add.

After he was seated he placed his helmet on over his head. He nodded his head at the other one on the back of his bike and I stared at it like it was a new species, like I had no idea what to do with it; which I didn’t. He chuckled once again and told me to come closer to him so he could help me. I wouldn’t admit it, to him at least, but I really liked the tingles that came with his touch.

Lifting my chin up he strapped my helmet for me. Once he was done we just stared at each other, him still holding my chin, and me still feeling the tingles from it.

I was the first to look away, a flush filling my cheeks. When I tried to get on the devils object several seconds later, let’s just say it wasn’t as graceful, especially since I nearly fell off out the other side.

Kaiden only looked back at me with concern instead of laughing. My hands gripped the hem of his shirt at his hips and he moved them with his own hands so they were wrapped around his waist, causing me to move closer to him. So close, that with the slightest movement I would be rubbing up against him. Oh God, help me.

“Hold on tight.” Kaiden told me before revving the engine and pulling slowly out of the alley. True to his word, he rode slow, really slow. A few minutes into the ride and I was actually enjoying it. I popped my visor up to tell him that he could go faster, when he looked back at me and nodded with a silent understanding. I smiled as he began to get faster and popped my visor back down so the wind wasn’t hurting my eyes.

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