Chapter 2- After Practice Miracles

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Practice seemed like it was forever long but it was finally over. My mom and Sarah took their conversation outside so me and Jensen followed them. He had his drivers lisence so he drove his mom in his car to practice. We decided that he'd take me home and my mom would take his mom home. We both lived about 30 minutes away from the practice rink. Of course I was happy to spend time with Jensen.

We pulled into my driveway and I was getting ready to get out of his truck.  One of my hands were on the seat right by my leg. I wasn't fully out of the car then I felt his hand on mine. 

"Faye." He said. 

He was about an inch away from me when I turned my head to face him. While his right hand was on mine, he look his left hand and put it behind my head like people do in romantic movies. 

"I just can't hold my feelings in for you anymore." He slowly leaned into kiss me. 

I've had my first kiss before but it was nothing like this. I actually felt passion in this kiss. I had no clue he could kiss like this. I was enjoying every moment of this kiss. I felt as if a million and one butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. The kiss went on for a long time, atleast it seemed like it. He ended it but you could tell we both wanted more. After that we just stared into eachothers eyes. 

"That was amazing." I told him with the biggest smile on my face.

"I love you Faye. I have been waiting entirely too long to do that. And I really hope I can continue to do it after this so.......... Will you be mine?"

"Oh my God. Of course I will be yours."

We shared another kiss. And a few more until i finally decided to get out of the truck since it was already late. Being the true gentlement he was he walked me up to the door. Right before I was about to open the door, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me in for another kiss. I then put my cold hands around his neck and he jumped. 

"Wow your hands are freezing," He laughed. 

"I'm sorry. Just trying to be romantic like they do in movies." I told him sarcastically.

"Well its getting late and you need your beauty sleep so I'll go." He said while starting to walk away.

"Jensen." I blurted out.


"I love you too." 

I opened the door to my house and just froze for a moment trying to take in all the just happened. After I got all my thoughts together I went into the living room to see if my dad was home. He wasn't there so I guessed he was still at work. 

I then headed upstairs to my room. I put my phone on its dock and turned my music up a little louder than usual. Since I had a long hard practice, I probably didn't smell or look too good. Therefore I got in the shower. 

When I got out of the shower I looked to see if any cars were in the driveway. I see my mom got home safe but it looks like my dad is still at work. 

Once I got done getting into some comfortable clothes for bed, I go downstairs to talk to my mom. When I get into the livingroom she's sitting on the couch watching some t.v. She looks up and smiles when she see's me.

"Anything special happen?" She asked.

"Well...." I said while making my way to the couch, "Okay so we were like sitting in his truck and.." 

"Honey slow down"

"I was getting out of his truck and he put his hand on mine then he kissed me and asked me to be his." I told her at a much slower pace.

"Ahw how cute! Sounds like your excited." 

"Well duh. I've liked him forever!"

"Im happy you guys are finally a couple." She said while laughing.

After we had a conversation about some other stuff, I went upstairs to my room. It was 11:30 and I had to wake up at 6 to go to school. It was defintely time for me to go to bed.

I turned my t.v on my favorite channel and put my phone on the charger. I set it on the nightstand beside my bed and turned over to try and go to sleep. As soon as I did that my phone went off. I rolled over to check it. It was Jensen. The text said ''Goodnight beautiful. I hope you sleep good.'' I smiled for a second before replying. 'I definitely will now. Goodnight sweetheart.''

mkigv After I sent it I realized I really needed to go to sleep. I sat my phone back down, rolled over and conitued to do what I was doing.



Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. My computer was broke and I finally got it fixed! What do you guys think so far? Please comment because I'm kinda new at this and need any suggestions I can get. I hope you guys enjoy this!

Thanks, Sierra.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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