3 ~ Dream For You

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"You know, even when I say I moved on, yeah I still dream for you." - Want you back by 5 Seconds of Summer

The loud thump of blasting music hit me as I walked in the door of Calum's house. Parties were never really my thing but Calum knew how to throw some damn good ones. What made his parties especially good was the liquor. Yup, that was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of all this shit.

The kitchen looked almost like a fully loaded bar, at least to me it did. I decided to just start off with a beer. I figured I had the whole night.. Why rush?

"Hey Mikey!" Called the familiar voice of Calum's sister Mali.

"Hey Mali. What's up?" I replied.

"Nothing much just getting another shot. You just get here?" I could tell she was buzzed but not quite drunk yet. Mali was that girl who looked cute and innocent but damn, that girl knew how to party.

"Yeah just walked in. Do you know where the guys are?" I asked.

"I think Cal is upstairs and Luke is outside talking to some guy." She said, pouring a shot of cherry vodka.

"K thanks Mal. Hey, easy on that stuff. Wouldn't want you doing anything you might forget in the morning." I teased.

"I know what you're referring to and it was one time." She rolled her eyes.

"Mhm." I said as I walked away to go and find Luke. I knew he would be happy I decided to come instead of staying home and sulking like I had done for the past few weeks. Hell, maybe even I would be glad I came.

Stella's P.O V.

"I don't know what's worse.. Packing, loading the stuff you've packed onto a truck, unloading the truck, or having to undo everything you've already done by unpacking it all." I said as I tried to decide where to put a small figurine I held in my hand.

"That's what moving is all about, honey." Ian laughed.

"Yeah, well I don't like what its about." I replied.

"We'll be settled in before you know it and soon we-" Ian was cut off by the sound of his phone vibrating.


"What sort of problem?"


"Yes I'll be there as soon as I can."

I already knew what that conversation meant. Ian looked at me with a half smile that meant "I have to go."

I just nodded. "Go ahead, We'll be fine here."

"Thank you so much. There was a fight at the club and they need me." Ian was the owner of a chain of nightclubs that was starting to expand. That's why we were here in Sidney, so he could manage one of the new clubs.

After kissing me goodbye, Ian was off to the club, leaving River and I with the unpacking.

Michael's P.O.V.

So much for taking my time. I had only been at the party for a couple hours and I was already drunk as hell. Even in my drunken state, I couldn't help but wonder if everyone else around me had something they wanted to forget too. I was there because I wanted, even for a short time, to forget about the girl who broke my heart a month and 9 days ago. But even then, she was still all I thought about.

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