2 ~ When I First Saw You

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"We were both yong when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts..." Love Story by Taylor Swift

The next morning I woke up late. By now, my mum had just given up at trying to get me up early in the mornings. Its not like it mattered anyway. After all, I was just a dropout with nothing to do.

"Morning mum." I said as I walked down stairs and into the kitchen where my mum was.

"Almost noon..." She shook her head and smiled. "Did you sleep well?" She asked with some concern in her voice. She knew how hard this breakup was on me and she was trying to be supportive.

"Alright I guess." I looked down at my feet and twiddled my thumbs.

"Mikey.." She walked to me and put her hand on my cheek, "I hate to see you like this. I just want my son to be happy."

"I know.. But I'll be fine." I said.

"You know they sold the house.. I wasn't sure if you knew yet."

"No I didn't know." I replied. I doubted they would even sell the house. But then again, this is Sydney. The only reason I didn't like it was because I'd been here my whole life. Everyone thinks that Sydney is beautiful and exciting and all that shit but to me its just another deadbeat town; nothing new. I wanted to get out of here, I wanted to prove everyone wrong and make something of myself. I didn't want to be seen as the dropout anymore.

"They're supposed to start moving in tomorrow. I haven't met them yet." She said.

"Okay." I replied. I went outside and sat on the porch and just began to strum random notes on my guitar. This was my favorite past time. I had even come up with some good melodies. This is the only thing I really loved. My real dream was to be able to do something with the random melodies that came to my head. Me, Luke, and a friend Calum had started a small band.. I guess we were okay. But what we really needed was a drummer and a place to practice. And it would also be nice if we could come up with a name.


"How did you sleep sweetheart?" Mum asked as I sat at the table, serving myself some cereal.

I shrugged my shoulders, pouring milk into the bowl and stirring it around. "Okay I guess.. Better than last night"

"That's good... I saw the neighbors today. They're already starting to move in. I think its a man with a daughter and son." She started to ramble on about how they had this pretty China cabinet and how the little boy is just the cutest little thing she's ever seen.

I just listened, eating my cereal, and not really giving a fuck about the new neighbors. All I wanted was my girl.. It was hard for me to imagine somebody else living in that house.. Occupying the room where she used to spend time doing her homework and cuddling with me. I shook my head, trying my best to not think about her or that house or how much I missed her. It hurt like hell and I wasn't making the situation any better.

After I ate breakfast I went on the porch again and played guitar. There wasn't really much to do around here but play guitar, listen to music, and play video games.

"What are you doing?" A small American voice snapped me out of my current daydream. I sat up and looked around, spotting a small boy looking through the chain link fence that separated my house from the one next door.

Mrs. All American// m.g.c.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin