Edine yesterday joined her once again around an hour after the clean-up had finished. They were joined by Minna today as well, she knew that Cam had set her as a spy to make sure she did not overdo it, as he felt she had been too tired by the end of the day yesterday. She wasn’t that tired if she could kiss him like that, not that she felt he would listen if she raised that as an argument.

As they worked through another insurmountable pile of sewing, Aislinn started to wonder at the lack of other woman that had been around yesterday. She knew they were busy and was not bothered at that they were not sat with her once more. She was not that self-centred to feel she should be the centre of their world. It was strange at the absence of people though in such a busy Keep.

Edine and Minna tried to brush it off as she mentioned it to them, only it felt false and she knew that there was more that was being kept from her. She just had no idea how to get around them. Minna would usually have blurted out the problem the moment she sat down, or before depending on the news. For her to keep it to herself, this worried Aislinn more than anything else that could have been said.

An hour before midday meal Aislinn had decided she had had enough. Women had been avoiding her all day. Iona had even ignored her earlier as she walked through the hall. Aislinn had only called a good day and Iona had made no acknowledgement. This had been her fear of coming into the clan, but they had not treat her like this before hand. Why now?

As Minna had Edine trapped in an endless story of no real import, she placed the shirt she had just finished with in the basket and made to stand, hoping the women were too engrossed with each other to notice. Of course that was futile, as both turned her direction at the first movement and Hamish appeared from the shadows near the door. She knew he had been there, maybe she could appeal to him instead of the women.

Releasing a sigh as quietly as possible she looked from the pair in front of her before directing her full attention to the man that would block her way outside.

“Hamish, would you mind if I took a turn outside? I’m feeling the need for some fresh air, and surely a little walk, even in the courtyard could do me no harm.” With a knowing look she continued, “You can even escort me if that would make Cam feel better?” She smiled knowing she had hit the real problem for him.

Hamish saw the look of determination cross Aislinn’s face and knew he would not be able to stop her from what she wished to accomplish. Only he had heard the rumours flying around the women this morning, he knew that she would be hurt if they were to come upon her. He did not want her to hear until Cam had been informed. The culprit of these vicious lies would be found, and made accountable.

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