Captain M.M.

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Full Name: Captain Mika Millers

Nick name: Captain M.M.

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Personality: Strict, Hates love, insane, and will kill someone she hates.



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Bio: Why is she mean? Well when she was 12 her parents were killed right in front of her by pirates

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Bio: Why is she mean? Well when she was 12 her parents were killed right in front of her by pirates. The Pirates took her captive, and made her do.... Uhhh... Nasty favors. They also made her clean, cook, and dress in a slutty dress. When she was 16 she had enough and took revenge. She one by one put poison in there food. Since no one expected her to do it, she killed off the entire crew easily. She despised the captain, and wanted him to die the worst death possible. She took an ancient hand gun, made by the Japanese, and they battled. She killed him, and disposed of the bodies in the water. She took over the ship called the 'The Dragon Bottom' and raised herself the meanest pirate ever. She's killed over 148 people so far, and her crew consist of no one. She works alone, and sails alone.

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