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Original name: Rex

Name now: Dash.EXE

Species: Dog, Husky

Gender: Male

Personality: Mean, Hates BEN Drowned, hates people playing with his tail, will bite predators, kills the innocent for fun, likes making people insane, sometimes annoying, loves his master Brittany.

Catch Fraise: "dId YoU tAkE mY MaStEr?"



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((On his side))

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((On his side))

Eye Color:

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When his owner Brianna was alive, they would always play video games and have fun. One day she came home crying and never came out of room, and locked him out. He felt something was off one day and drug her mom up the stairs to bust down the door. There on the floor was his owners lifeless body.

Her parents did an examination on her only to revile her heart was turned to stone. They couldn't bring her back to life and they had a funeral. After the funeral he stayed by her grave and never left. When her mom tried to make him leave he bit her hand, crushing it to the bone. She left him there and never came back. Over the days he would go out and hunt for food. He ate birds, mice, and other things.

After a year he died of malnutrition. He then went on to haunt the video game him and Brianna played together, 'Nintendo Dogs' for the 3DS. Rumor has it that if you ever receive a strange Nintendo dogs in the mail, it's his. The game will start out normal when you pick your dog. But if you don't pick him, your other dogs will die a bloody, gory death that you will be forced to watch. It will automatically spawn him in your game, and will say things like-

"Dash knows your deepest secret."

"They will all laugh at you."

"Death is the only thing worthy of life."

"I'm still here."

"Are you my master."

It continues and will start to become gory. Your house will vanish and your dog will be in a forest, or a warehouse. When you go to feed him it's human flesh and bones. He will drink blood. And when you bathe him it will be him showing you his owners death scene.

If it doesn't drive you crazy to suicide in 3 days, he will jump out and kill you and the last thing you'll ever hear are his famous words, "YoU tOoK mY mAsTeR!"

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