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Name: Fransisco Cheery

Age:15 ((He's Frans younger bro, well only by 12 minutes))

Sex: Male

Personality: Nice. Pervy, Bookworm, hopeless romantic, and kleptomaniac. ((Meaning he always ends up with other peoples stuff))



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BIO: He was born 12 minutes after Fran, leaving him to be the younger twin. Has the exact opposite personality of his brother. He actually loves-loves Brianna secretly, but since she's dating Fran he figures he would never have a chance with her because she is loyal. He was never called by the moon goddess to have a protection order, witch he is jealous about. He always feels like he should've been Brianna's best friend because he could've treated her better. He mostly hangs out with the couple, and loves everyone like family secretly. He can not tolerate this girl named Rebbeca who is always walking around the park in FranVille. ((She's another OC I despise)) Anyway he loves reading books, listing to loud rock and roll. He likes to say he's an emo, but we all know he isn't. He can be a bit pervy ((And by a bit I mean a lot)) at times, but respects everyone's boundries. He just recently got a pet cat, and named her Dexter. Nothing else to say except he's really nice.

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