The New Game

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Ok, ok. By now everyone already heard about Ace Attorney 6: Spirit of Justice. I made my own research as well.

First we must see what cases it'll contain:

*Turnabout Foreigner
*Turnabout Magic Show
*Turnabout Ritual
*Turnabout Theater
*Turnabout Revolution
*Turnabout Across Time (DLC)
*Phoenix's Non-Canon DLC case
*Apollo's Non-Canon DLC case

Now, to the only thing that matters: MAYA FREAKIN' FEY COMES BACK!!! YAAAASSSS!!!.... Oh! And also Larry.

Ok, you must already know from the trailer of the game that Phoenix will be against Apollo and Athena because of a "certain piece of evidence".

Apparently Phoenix will NOT be a prosecutor. That certain case (Turnabout Revolution) is a CIVIL CASE. So he'll be just the opposing attorney. Really a shame because I wanted a Prosecutor Phoenix. Anyway, he'll kick Polly and Thena's ass.

I cannot say a lot about the two non-canon DLC cases, only that Phoenix and Apollo will be in them. Apparently Athena doesn' t have one.

'Till Next Time!

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