Madison shot up and ran her right hand over her eyes. She pounded her hand onto the top of the alarm. First days at a new school were always hard. Madison knew that for sure. She and her father moved around a lot since her mother died six years ago. She also was used to them. Every place they went, they ended up leaving because it reminded her father of what had happened. Madison could never keep friends for longer than a year. When ever they moved, she hoped it would stick and it never did. They always left. Madison knew this place wouldn't last long. She knew not to get comfortable in a new place or around new people. She always had to say goodbye to the people she had come to like. This time would be no different. In a couple months they would pack up and move across the country.

Madison jumped in the shower. When she finished, she threw on a pair of black leggings and a maroon shirt from Pink that cover her back side. She slipped on her maroon Vans and walked down stairs. A sweet aroma filled her nose. Cinnamon rolls. Madison smiled and broke into a jog. Her father always made them on her first day at a new school. She sat down on a bar stool in front of her father as she watched him grab the got tray out of the oven with an oven mitt. She smiled at him and said, "Good morning."

"Good morning, honey." And passed her a plate with two cinnamon rolls on it. "Are you excited for your first day?"

"As excited as I can be." She replied. She wasn't even nervous, she has done this so many times before.

"Don't worry, kiddo. Hey, we're not moving again. I promise." He placed a hand on her schooler and squeezed it.

Madison just smiled and said, "I know, dad." But she never held him to his promises. He said that every time they moved somewhere new. They always left. Madison didn't think they would ever settle down somewhere for the rest of their lives.

Madison jumped into her black Jeep Wrangler and set off to her new, but certainly not last, high school. She had taken a tour last week, so she knew her classes and way to the school.

She pulled into the parking lot and started walking to her first class. It was biology and her teachers name was Mr. Farrell.

She walked into the class room a couple minutes late. "Hi, I'm Madison Landers." She said quietly to the teacher.

Mr. Ferrell pointed to the only open seat and said, "You'll have to sit there for the rest of the year. Please introduce yourself to the class."

"My names Madison Landers." She said before taking a seat. She hadn't noticed who her lab partner was before he tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Jackson." And grabbed her hand a shook it.

She faked a smile and said, "Madison."

Jackson was easily the most gorgeous person Madison had ever seen. His dark brown hair was swooped up and his brown eyes seemed to catch the light. "So, Mads, where are you from?" He asked.

"Don't call me Mads." She turned serious. She could tell already that she and Jackson weren't going to get a long very good. "I've lived about every where in the United States. The last placed I lived in was Maryland."

"Oh, nice. Have you met anyone else?" He asked, placing his hand on my knee and inching it up my leg.

She swatted his hand away and said, "No and you won't live to meet any new people again if you touch me there again."

"Woah, calm down. I'm just trying to be friendly." He said.

"Yeah a little too friendly for my liking." Madison muttered under my breathe.

"Class is dismissed." Mr. Ferrell said.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Her last period was lunch. She went to the school auditorium and unwrapped het sandwich. She  didn't eat much before throwing the remainder of her food away and making her way to the piano in the corner of the room.

Madison's fingers lingered on the dusty white keys. Not many people used it. She sat down in front of the piano and let her fingers guide themselves. Her fingers explored the keys of the instrument to make beautiful  music. The music moved her in a way nothing else did. It was the only thing that kept her sane. Madison's mother taught her how to play when she was eight and she had been playing since then. Her father was the only thing she loved more than music.

She heard the bell ring and she made her way to her locker and grabbed her bag. She jogged to her jeep and jumped inside. She arrived at home and her father was sitting on the porch looking through job ads. "Any luck?" She asked.

"Not really." He said.

She walked into the house and collapsed on the couch. Though it was only five, she fell fast asleep and didn't wake until six the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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