4 | Dirty Diana

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"That's okay," I said "hey baby do what you please. I have the stuff that you want. I am the thing that you need. There's no turning back."

"I'm going to ask you again. What do you want?"

"I'll be your everything if you make me a star."

"Make you a star?" he asked "what do you mean? Why should I instantly make you a star? Are you referring to the audition? Well if so, you have to work for it. I'm not just gonna give it to you."

I got closer to him and he backed up. I'm trying so hard not to act like a groupie, but this is Michael freaking Jackson. The King of Pop, it's so hard to not act like a groupie around him.

He continued to back up until his back hit the wall. I gently ran my hands up his chest and began to smirk. I encouraged him to sit down, but he didn't move a muscle. Michael is a tough one to crack. After I seduced Prince, I just knew that Michael was going to be a piece of cake.

"Why are you playing hard to get Michael? I just want to talk to you, but you're not giving me the time of day," I smirked while rubbing his chest.

"I want you to leave. Now," he said while heavy breathing. "You're not even supposed to be backstage without a backstage pass. Didn't my security guards stop you?"

"Let's not worry about them. This isn't even about them. It's about you Michael. Just give me a chance. I really want to sing for you because I'm a huge fan."

"No. You're not a fan, you're a groupie.
A groupie that thinks she can sweet talk me into having sex with her. You think that you can really seduce me? I know who you are.
I know everything about you, Dirty Diana."

He glared at me and I immediately stopped rubbing his chest. My eyes bulged. Can't believe he just called me that.

"What did you say? What did you call me?"

"I called you Dirty Diana. That's what I said. You're a dirty, manipulating groupie. Groupies like you only chase after rockstars. How stupid do you think I am?"

He stood up and I headed towards the door until he stopped me. "Where are you going? You can't take the truth? You may have seduced every man but you wont seduce me Dirty Diana."

I turned back around and faced him. I despise that name, Dirty Diana. "Stop calling me that. My name is Diana, and I am not dirty."

"The hell do you mean you're not dirty? You had sex with plenty of rockstars including that bastard Prince, probably unprotected as well. You audition to sing for me, and then you made your way backstage just to have sex with me? You are a dirty whore," he spat.

I honestly have never seen this side of Michael. This is actually my first time meeting him and I did not know how angry he can get. Sometimes you look at a celebrity and think they're perfect but that's not the case.

"I am not dirty. And I'm not a whore."

"Well what are you? Huh? Answer me before I call security to escort you out. You shouldn't even be back here in the first place."

I leaned against the wall and tilted my head back. It's been a long night. All I want to do is go home now. What was I thinking? Trying to seduce the King of Pop. Michael isn't checking for me, no matter how pretty I am.

He's definitely not worried about me.

"Michael please-"

"Dirty Diana...let me be. Please," he said with a straight face.

"There you go with that name again. Do you not realize how that affects me? Call me Diana. You calling me Dirty Diana proves that you don't respect me."

"I would rather call you Dirty Diana because what I really want to call you is foul."

"Look, I have to go home cause I'm real tired you see. Now I hate sleeping alone, why don't you come with me?" I asked.

"Are you serious? You just wont give up will you? You can't seduce me and you're not going to seduce me."

"Please? Michael come on now don't be like that."

"No. I can't go home with you, why should I? You're just trying to get fame and fortune off of me. And besides, my baby's at home she's probably worried tonight. I didn't call on the phone to say that I'm alright."

I walked up to him. "I'm all yours tonight.
No matter what you say, I'm going to make you mine Michael. I don't care what I have to do. There's no turning back, you're trapped in my heart."

He quickly ran to the phone and dialed a number. "Baby I'm alright," he told the person on the other line. "But unlock the door, because I forgot the key."

Being the fiesty bitch that I am, I quickly grabbed the phone from him. "Hello? Yes I hate to break it to you but he's not coming back because he's sleeping with me," I said while smirking.

I hung up the phone and glanced back at Michael. "Dirty Diana let me be. This is my last warning," he said while backing up.

"Oh really..."

A/N: Ayooooo lol I know I aint updated in so long but I'm working on another fanfiction called "Exposed" and my "Grand Theft Auto Facts" book. But this book is almost over, just a few more chapters and I apologize for the slow updates. But it's so hard to write a story based on a song so bare with me.

Dirty Diana • Michael Jackson & Tatiana ThumbtzenWhere stories live. Discover now