Chapter 7: Traveling Divided

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Lara is driving on the dirt road and Elena is still cringing in her seat.

Lara: "Are you okay?"

Elena: "Yeah, just yeah."

Lara: "Relax. I'm slowing down, see?" She gently puts her foot on the breaks. Elena sits up calmly.

Lara: "Are you calm as a tiger?"

Elena: "I'm calm."

Lara: "Okay. Good. Hey, check in the glove compartment. I want to make sure that I'm prepared and satisfied."

Elena: "Okay. Sure." She tries to open the glove compartment, but it's locked.

Elena: "Lara, I can't open this."

Lara: "Not a problem. Here." She tossed Elena the key and Elena unlocked the glove compartment. Two pistols spilled out of the glove compartment.

Elena: "Whoa, Lara. You have two pistols in here."

Lara: "That's right. I use them for a serious emergency. Very serious."

Elena: "Oh. I see."

Lara: "And check the back of the jeep too."

Elena: "Got it." She turned around and climbed to the backseat of the Jeep and found the base of the trunk. A huge amount of weapons were in the back seat also all sorts of arrows and grenade attachments.

Elena: "Holy shittake mushrooms! Lara, you are ultimately prepared!"

Lara: "Like I said. Serious emergencies."

Elena: "You are fully loaded. Man, I'm jealous."

Lara: "I have my friends who are there for me when I need supplies. Zip, Winston and Bryce. They're like my new family now and they're all I got. Without them in my life, I don't what I would do." Voices were heard in her head.

***Roth: "You got great instincts, girl. You just have to trust them."

***Lara: "Mm. That's what my father used to say."

***Roth: "Now, that was a man that ran on instinct. For better or worse, he would've been so proud of you, Lara." Lara tears up from those words. Elena looks at her worried.

Elena: "Lara, you alright?"

Lara: "Huh? I'm fine."

Elena: "You have the artifact?"

Lara: "Yes, it's in my bag."

Elena: "Can I look at it?"

Lara: "Yes, you can, but I have to warn you. That artifact has an unimaginable power. It will show you things that you have seen or heard. So be aware of that. One single gaze and you're in a trance."

Elena: "I won't let no artifact control me." She took the artifact out of Lara's backpack and examines it.

Elena: "Wow, it's so golden."

Lara: "It was made by gods. Greek gods."

Elena: "It's gorgeous." Suddenly, the artifact started glowing.

Lara: "Elena, look away!" It was too late. It showed Elena in her head a whole motorcycle gang is heading towards them with weapons trying to get the artifact into their hands. It begins to fade and Elena hears a voice. It was Lara's.

Lara: "Elena, are you okay?"

Elena: "I'm fine."

Lara: "What did you see?"

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